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小編:環(huán)球教育整理 1330


  Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement? It is important to learn about other cultures. Use details andexamples to explain your opinion.

  ——TPO 18


  I strongly agree that we should learn aboutother cultures. In today’s world, movement of peoples is extremely fluid.People work and live in different places than the one where they grew up, andmillions of people visit new countries every day. In today’s globalized world,it is critical to maintain an open mind and learn about other cultures forbusiness and political success. In the example of the United States, theworld’s most technologically advanced nation, it is strong because of itsdedication to bringing the best from every other culture. Learning about andfrom a different culture than your own can be very productive and beneficial.



  Some people think that children should beallowed to watch whatever television programs they choose to. Others think thatparents should exercise control over the television programs their childrenwatch. Which do you agree with? Explain why.

  ——TPO 11


  I agree with the idea that parents shouldhave some control over the television programs watched by children. Thestrongest argument would be that children have immature minds and are eager tocopy what they have seen sometimes. Thus, extreme violence or lewd pornographictelevision shows should not be available to children viewer. It is true that ifchildren truly wanted to watch such shows, they would find a way to watch themanyhow. However, parents should at least exert some basic level of control so thatsuch shows are not accessible easily.



  Some people have one career throughouttheir lives. Other people do different kinds of work at different points intheir lives. Which do you think is better? Explain why.

  ——TPO 6


  I believe that having one career for mostof one’s life is better than having different kinds of work at different pointsin life. Changing careers bring a lot of uncertainty along with it. Between thetime gaps of the two different jobs, will you have income? Will you be able tosupport your family? I believe that keeping one type of career is more stableand will always provide money to buy food and necessities for your family.Keeping on type of job is safer, and this is better for supporting a family.



  Some students prefer to work on classassignments by themselves. Others believe it is better to work in a group.Which do you prefer? Explain why.

  ——TPO 3


  When working on classwork or homeworkassignments, I prefer to work in a group. While I am working, many of mythoughts begin as rough ideas that need more development. When I work in agroup, I am able to tell my friends my ideas and receive their input. Throughthis method, I am able to easily refine my ideas and integrate my friends’ideas into my personal thoughts. The group work is like the military withmutual support. In addition, working with friends makes assignments lesstedious. While homework can sometimes feel like a chore, talking to friendswhile doing it makes the task more enjoyable.



  Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement? Why or why not? Use details and examples to explain your answer. Itis more important to study math or science than it is to study art orliterature.

  ——TPO 5


  I disagree with the statement that studyingmath or science is more important than studying art and literature. Althoughstudying math and science will perhaps lead to a better job later in life, Ibelieve it is important to receive a well-round education in a variety ofsubjects. With only a limited knowledge of art and literature, how can someonebe expected to hold an intelligent conversation if something about literatureis brought up and he or she has no input? Picasso said that art is a lie thattells the truth.Balance is the key.



  Talk about a book you have read that was important to you for some reason. Explain why the book was important to you.



  One particular book that I always rememberis Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond, a geography professor at UCLA. Thebook is a nonfictional account of human development throughout history. Itfocuses on agriculture, culture, and science as the engines of civilization. Itis a long book about a difficult subject, but the author writes it in a waythat is interesting and fun to read. I learned about many interestingconnections between geography and the rise and fall of different peoplesthroughout human history. It offers me a fresh and grand perspective ofhumanity.






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