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小編:環(huán)球教育整理 1330




  Talk about a skill or ability that youconsider especially important for a student to have. Use details and examplesto explain your answer.

  ——TPO 19


  I used to have trouble with doing homeworkwhen I was a young child because I did not make enough time for it. I wanted toplay with my friends, and I delayed homework until the last minute. Therefore,I believe that time organization makes up on important skill for a studentbecause this ability helps reduce procrastination. Procrastination is the enemyof the student, lowering both the quality of the work and the volume of the work. If a student can find a way to plan his/her activities throughout the dayand adhere strictly to this to-do-list, he/she will defeat procrastination andfind a way to improve effectiveness and live a fulfilling life.



  Some people enjoy taking risks and tryingnew things. Others are not adventurous: they are cautious and prefer to avoiddanger. Which behavior do you think is better? Explain why.

  ——TPO 8


  While it is difficult to say what iscorrect in every situation, I believe that being cautious is a better behaviorthan being daring and adventurous. The win-big or lose-big mentality of riskypeople is dangerous; if they win big a few times, they start to think that theycan win more. This can continue until they lose big. Cautious people are more stablein most areas of life. And cautious people are the ones who start the moststable families, and they are more reliable, etc.



  Some people believe that television has hada positive influence on society. Others believe it has had a negative influenceon society. Which do you agree with and why? Use details and examples toexplain your opinion.

  ——TPO 1


  I believe that television has had a mainlypositive effect on society. Television is one of the best ways to conveyinformation to many people. For example, news programs are easy to watch andallow people to effortlessly stay up-to-date with current events. Televisionnews programs cover everything from local events to worldwide news, and arevery convenient for people to watch before or after work. In addition, I thinkthat television is good for family life. Families can often sit together andwatch television, and in a time when teenagers rebel against their parents andseek independence, TV offers a nice way for family members to stay close to oneother.



  Some college students choose to takecourses in a variety of subject areas in order to get a broad education. Otherschoose to focus on a single subject area in order to have a deeperunderstanding of that area. Which approach to course selection do you think isbetter for students and why?

  ——TPO 2


  To me, college should both broaden anddeepen one’s knowledge. I think that at the beginning of college, perhaps forthe first and second year students, it is good to receive a broad education.Taking a wide range of courses allows these students to become knowledgeableabout many subjects and makes them better-rounded. Once students decide on amajor, focusing on that single subject is the best, as this will allow them totruly excel in the field they choose to enter.



  Talk about an important experience that yourecently had. Describe what happened and explain why it was important toyou.

  ——TPO 9


  I recently spent a year studying abroad inChina, and I found the experience to be engaging and worthwhile. Living alonein a foreign country allowed me to be truly independent for a year, and I feellike I have matured greatly from the experience. I now know how to bettermanage my money, how to plan my days out, and more. In addition, my Chinesespeaking ability has improved dramatically. Using Chinese to speak to peoplearound me every day helped my Chinese improve a lot, so the effects of my Chinatrip are still with me every day.


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