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小編:環(huán)球雅思 5097

  【句架提煉】reach a comparable level 達(dá)到相稱的水平

  academic adj. 學(xué)院的,學(xué)術(shù)的,理論的

  【同源詞匯】academically adv. 學(xué)術(shù)上

  【經(jīng)典搭配】academic activities 學(xué)術(shù)活動

  academic atmosphere 學(xué)習(xí)氛圍

  academic performance 學(xué)習(xí)成績

  academic exchange 學(xué)術(shù)交流

  【考官例句】If everything they do must have some educational or academic relevance, then they

  will soon get tired of studying altogether, which is the last thing parents would




  【句架提煉】the last thing to do 最不愿意做的事


  leisure (music & sport)

  G 類一道題目 leisure time

  20091107 Some people believe that children’s leisure activities must be

  educational, otherwise they are complete waste of time. Do you agree or


  A 類一道題目 music and sports

  20100508 Schools should concentrate on teaching students the

  academic subjects that will be useful for their future careers. Subjects

  such as music and sports are not useful. To what extent do you agree or




  Such activities are far more from being a waste of time for the

  children simply because they are not academic.

  If they cannot play make-believe games, how can they develop

  their imagination? How can they learn physical co-ordination or learn

  important social lessons about winning and losing if they do not

  practice any sports? Many children form strong, personal relationships

  with the friends they play with, and without the opportunity to do this,

  they could grow up emotionally immature or unformed.

  Finally, I think it is also important to remember that children need

  to relax as well as work..

  academic qualifications 學(xué)歷,學(xué)術(shù)資格

  【考官例句】But overall, I think this is less likely today, when academic qualifications are

  essential for getting a reasonable career.



  關(guān)于大學(xué)的功能是為 future career 做準(zhǔn)備么,還是為了academic qualifications?

  They believe that if their children apply themselves and work

  hard at school, then they will increase their opportunities for going to

  higher education and eventually getting a good job. Of course they are

  right, and as access to the best education and best jobs is becoming

  more competitive, then it is true that children have to make the best of

  their study time when they are young.

  talent n. 才能,天資,天才

  【同源詞匯】talented adj. 有才能的;talentless adj. 無能的

  【同義表達(dá)】capacity n. 能力;endowment n.天資;aptitude n.天資

  【經(jīng)典搭配】nurture a student’s talent 培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的才能

  explore one’s interests and talents 發(fā)展個人興趣、發(fā)揮個人才干

  【考官例句】Without the natural talent, continuous training would be neither attractive nor

  productive, and without the training, the child would not learn how to exploit and

  develop their talent.


  【句架提煉】neither…nor 既不……也不……

  knowledge n. 知識,學(xué)問

  【同源詞匯】knowledgeable adj. 知識淵博的

  【經(jīng)典搭配】pursue knowledge 追求知識

  thirst for knowledge 渴求知識

  enlarge scope of knowledge 擴大知識面

  【考官例句】However, if there are different kinds of happiness for different individuals then the

  first step in achieving it would to have a degree of self-knowledge.


  【句架提煉】if…then… 如果……那么……

  well-bred adj. 教養(yǎng)良好的,有教養(yǎng)的

  【同義表達(dá)】well-cultivated adj. 有教養(yǎng)的

  【反義表達(dá)】ill-bred adj. 沒教養(yǎng)的

  【即學(xué)即用】None but the well-bred man knows how to confess a fault, or acknowledge himself

  in an error.

  唯有有教養(yǎng)者方知如何承認(rèn)錯誤,或意識到自己行為 。

  enterprising spirit 進(jìn)取心,進(jìn)取精神,創(chuàng)業(yè)精神

  【同義表達(dá)】pioneering spirit 開拓精神

  【即學(xué)即用】All great wisdom in life are contained in these words by Gump's mother: optimism,

  strong mind and enterprising spirit, calmness and bluntness, religious and faithful



  distinguish vt.&vi. 辨別,區(qū)分

  【同源詞匯】distinguishable adj.可辨識的;distinguished adj. 著名的

  【經(jīng)典搭配】distinguish between (among) 區(qū)別,辨別

  distinguish right from wrong 辨明是非

  distinguish one thing from another 將一事物于另一事物區(qū)別開來

  【即學(xué)即用】Children should be taught to distinguish right from wrong, which is the

  responsibility of both the parents and teachers.


  mental development 心智發(fā)展,心理發(fā)展過程

  【同源詞匯】mentality n. 智能,智心

  【考官例句】Today the way we consider human psychology and mental development is heavily

  influenced by the genetic sciences.

  當(dāng)今, 我們認(rèn)為人們的心理和心智發(fā)育很大程度上受基因的影響。

  【句架提煉】be heavily influenced by… 受……深深的影響

  raise vt. 養(yǎng)育

  【同義表達(dá)】bring up 教育,養(yǎng)育

  【考官例句】If they could raise them to be considerate of others and to be social, responsible

  individuals, the whole community would benefit.



  【句架提煉】raise the children to be… 將孩子撫養(yǎng)成……

  be considerate of 體諒,關(guān)心

  discipline n. 紀(jì)律,學(xué)科

  【同源詞匯】disciplined adj. 遵守紀(jì)律的;well-disciplined 訓(xùn)練有素的;

  undisciplined adj.無紀(jì)律的

  【經(jīng)典搭配】disrespectful and undisciplined behavior 無禮和無修養(yǎng)的行為

  【考官例句】When they get to school age they have not learnt any self-control or discipline.


  【即學(xué)即用】To achieve personal growth and success, one needs in-depth knowledge in a certain




  discipline 的另外一個解釋為:學(xué)科

  humanities 人文學(xué)科

  social sciences 社會科學(xué)

  discipline 學(xué)科(通稱)

  basic sciences 基礎(chǔ)科學(xué)

  applied sciences 應(yīng)用科學(xué)

  sense of n. 意識,認(rèn)識

  【同義表達(dá)】awareness n. 意識;recognition n. 識別

  【經(jīng)典搭配】a sense of obligation (responsibility) 責(zé)任感

  sense of fulfillment 成就感

  sense of belonging to a team 團(tuán)隊歸屬感

  a sense of achievement 成就感

  【考官例句】Satisfaction is also increased by a sense of responsibility for and loyalty to a team.


  characteristics n. 特性,特征

  【同義表達(dá)】personality traits 個性品質(zhì)

  【經(jīng)典搭配】shape/ mould one’s character 塑造某人的性格

  building-up of one’s personality 性格的形成

  mould one’s temperament and promote one’s appreciation of arts


  【考官例句】But whether these characteristics are able to develop within the personality of an

  individual surely depends on whether the circumstances allow such a development.


  【句架提煉】depend on whether the circumstances allow… 依賴于環(huán)境是否允許……

  shape one’s personality 形成個性

  【考官例句】It is the interaction of the two that shapes a person’s personality and dictates how

  that personality develops.


  【句架提煉】It is…that… 強調(diào)句型

  moral adj. 道德的,精神上的,品性端正的 n. 道德

  【經(jīng)典搭配】 moral guidance 道德指引

  moral standard 道德水準(zhǔn)

  moral value 道德觀

  moral appeals 倫理

  moral behavior 道德行為

  moral education 道德教育

  morals and ethics 思想道德修養(yǎng)

  【即學(xué)即用】Universities exist for the purposes such as improving students’ well-round

  development and raising students’ moral standards.


  intellectual adj. 智力的,聰明的,理智的

  【經(jīng)典搭配】intellectual development 智力發(fā)展

  intellectual faculties 智能

  intellectual activity 智力活動

  intellectual and ideological development 精神文明建設(shè)

  intellectual education 智育

  【考官例句】It is important to remember that children need to develop skills other than

  intellectual ones, and the best way to do this through activities such as sports,

  games and playing with other kids.


  【句架提煉】It is important to remember that… 記住……是很重要的

  intelligence n. 智力,理解力

  【同源詞匯】intelligent adj. 智能的

  【即學(xué)即用】One thing that puts man above animals is intelligence.


  potential n. 可能性,潛能

  【同源詞匯】potentiality n. 潛力; potentialize vt.使具有潛力

  【同義表達(dá)】possibility n. 可能性

  【經(jīng)典搭配】tap the potential 挖掘……的潛力

  fulfill one’s potential 發(fā)揮潛力

  【即學(xué)即用】It is important to draw out a child’s potential capacities.


  【句架提煉】draw out a child's potential capacities 開發(fā)孩子的潛能

  innate adj. 先天的,固有的,與生俱來的

  【同義表達(dá)】inborn adj. 天生的

  【經(jīng)典搭配】have an innate talent for sth. 某方面有天賦

  【考官例句】However, some people believe that innate talent is what differentiates a person who

  has been trained to play a sport or an instrument, from those who become good



  【句架提煉】differentiate…from… 將……區(qū)別開來

  nature n. 自然,本性

  【同源詞匯】natural adj. 自然的,天生的

  【經(jīng)典搭配】against (或 contrary to) nature 違反自然的,反常的

  back to nature 回歸大自然

  by nature 生性,本性上

  by the light of nature 本能地,自然而然地

  in nature 實際上

  second nature 第二天性

  in someone's nature 在某人的稟性之中

  【即學(xué)即用】It is human nature to hate repetition.


  nurture vt. 養(yǎng)育,鼓勵

  【同源詞匯】nurturance n. 養(yǎng)成,教育

  【同義表達(dá)】raise vt.養(yǎng)育; foster vt. 培養(yǎng),養(yǎng)育;nourish vt. 撫養(yǎng)

  【經(jīng)典搭配】nurture imagination 培養(yǎng)想象力

  【考官例句】But, as with all questions of nature versus nurture, they are not mutually exclusive.


  【句架提煉】be not mutually exclusive 不是互相排斥的

  strive for 爭取,奮斗

  【同義表達(dá)】struggle vi. 奮斗; spare no effort 不遺余力

  【經(jīng)典搭配】strive for excellence 追求卓越

  【即學(xué)即用】We must have clear goals and great dreams in our life and strive for it with whole


  我們的人生必須有明確的目標(biāo)和偉大的理想并且要為之奮斗一生!be endowed with 被賦予,天生具有

  【同義表達(dá)】be born with 天生具有; innate adj.與生俱來的

  【即學(xué)即用】Therefore, every child should be endowed with the right to handle their own

  problems within their abilities.


  versatile adj. 多才多藝的,萬能的,多面手的

  【同源詞匯】versatility n. 多才多藝

  【同義表達(dá)】many-sided adj. 多方面的;all-around adj. 全面的;

  well-rounded adj. 多才多藝的

  【經(jīng)典搭配】versatile person 通才

  【即學(xué)即用】A versatile person is often good at a number of different things.



  generalist 通才

  specialist 專才

  physical and mental development 身心全面發(fā)展

  psychological soundness 心理健康

  psychological well-being (welfare) 心理健康

  all-round development 全面發(fā)展

  promote the healthy development of students both physically and

  mentally 促進(jìn)學(xué)生身心發(fā)展

  competence n. 能力,勝任





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