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小編:胥倩倩 313



  托福寫作結(jié)尾一: 重申立場+反問句

  例如:托福寫作題目:Some people like to live in a small town, while others like to live in a large city. If you had a choice, where would you like to live?

  我方立場:I would like to live in a big city.

  托福獨(dú)立寫作結(jié)尾: Although a growing number of serenity-seekers regard the smaller community as their dream homeland, I still opt for the metropolis for its convenience and dynamic life. When it comes to living, how can one possibly deny that the purpose of life is to explore new things that small towns fail to offer?

  解析:這個(gè)結(jié)尾主要采用了重申立場+反問句的寫法,很大氣?!半m然越來越多尋找寧靜的都市人將小城市當(dāng)成自己的夢想家園,但我依然認(rèn)為大城市更勝一籌。在提及生活,誰可以否認(rèn)生活的目的并非是探索新的東西嗎?而這一切都是小城市無法給與 的?!?反問句寫的是反方立場的弱點(diǎn),這其實(shí)在內(nèi)容和Plan B是相同的,只不過用的反問句來加強(qiáng)語氣。


  例如:托福寫作題目:When people go on a trip, some like to go with a friend while others like to go alone. Which do you prefer?

  我方立場: I would rather to travel with a friend.

  托福獨(dú)立寫作結(jié)尾: Taking all of the factors above into account, being accompanied by some close friends tends to be a better option when it comes to having a trip. This even makes more sense if one is fully aware of the possible dangers of travelling on one’s own, that is, being helpless when emergencies occur and having no one to share the excitement.

  解析:這個(gè)結(jié)尾主要采用了重申立場+反方觀點(diǎn)的弱點(diǎn)?!耙?yàn)橄氲揭陨纤谐龅恼擖c(diǎn),大家能夠知道當(dāng)說到旅游時(shí)有人陪伴是一個(gè)更好的選擇。這點(diǎn)更說得通,如果一個(gè)人清楚地明白獨(dú)自旅行潛藏的壞處,即遇到緊急情況的無助感以及無人分享旅途的興奮感?!罢Z言上的主語替換尤為靈活,I would rather to trav


  例如:托福寫作題目: There are people who learn about life by listening to their friends’ or families’ advice. On the other hand, there are those that learn from personal experience. Which one do you prefer?

  我方立場:It is better to learn from personal experience.

  托福獨(dú)立寫作結(jié)尾:In a nutshell, it is quite common for us to seek advice from our buddies or family when faced with life dilemma, but in most cases, more benefits can be available if we pick up some lessons by our own experience. After all, it is our action rather than other people’s words that determine what kind of people we want to be. (62 words)

  解析:關(guān)于這個(gè)結(jié)尾主要采用的是Plan A,重申立場使用了比較法,此為托福結(jié)尾常用的一種方法,由于大部分寫作題目都牽涉兩者對比。“總而言之,當(dāng)面臨生活困境時(shí)人們往往會(huì)向朋友和家人求助,但在大部分情況下,如果我們自己嘗試一些事情,往往會(huì)學(xué)到更多的經(jīng)驗(yàn)?!罢Z言轉(zhuǎn)換上,使用了換主語和換詞的方法,我方立場It is better to learn from personal experience,主語是It, 但在結(jié)尾換成了benefits, 整個(gè)句子即變成了more benefits can be available if we pick up some lessons by our own experience.結(jié)尾第二句話,補(bǔ)充了我方立場的合理性,進(jìn)行了升華。”畢竟,決定我們將來成為什么樣的人的關(guān)鍵點(diǎn)并非是他人的言語而是我們自己的行為?!?/p>


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