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小編:白洋 3039



  1: What subjects are you studying?

  I’m studying a variety of subjects in university. My major discipline is mathematics, so I learn a number of subjects that are related to maths, for example the theories and the models. In the meanwhile, I study statistics and psychology as my optional courses.

  A variety of: 很多的

  Discipline: 學(xué)科,英式用法。常作“紀(jì)律”。

  Be related to: 與什么相關(guān)

  Statistics: 統(tǒng)計(jì)學(xué)


  Optional courses:選修課

  思路:題目中的subjects和are studying表明了問(wèn)題的關(guān)鍵在于“正在所學(xué)的科目”,且科目可能不止個(gè)。比起科目名稱的羅列,可以讓答案更加有層次。比如可以先講主修科目 major discipline, 再講選修或者其他科目。

  2: What do you plan to do after you finish your studies?

  My plan is to find a job, pretty straightforward, isn’t? I have been preparing for the job for quite a long time. Personally, I don’t intend to apply for a master degree straightaway, rather I think it’s better for me to accumulate some work experience first.

  Isn’t it: 反意疑問(wèn)句,不是嗎?

  Have been preparing for sth:現(xiàn)在完成進(jìn)行時(shí),已經(jīng)直在為某事準(zhǔn)備。

  Intend to do: 想要做某事; equals to want to do but more formal.

  Accumulate: 積累;

  思路:plan to do. 所以時(shí)態(tài)是般現(xiàn)在和進(jìn)行時(shí)。本題主要聯(lián)系自我??梢躁U述想要工作,或去考研,或旅行,然后給出原因,比如提升自我、養(yǎng)家、職業(yè)發(fā)展等等。

  3: Do you like your job?

  Yes and no. It is a challenging job with a large workload. So, I got a strong sense of achievement when I complete a project with my team. But on the other side, I don’t have a good work-like balance, which is pretty depressing. I hope to have more quality time with my family.

  Yes and no: 是也不是.

  Sense of achievement: 成就感。 Sense of +名詞

  Work-life balance:工作與生活的平衡

  Depressing: 令人沮喪的。 Depressed, depression.

  Quality time: 高質(zhì)量的時(shí)間。

  思路:1. 分別從工作本身和自身情況分層回答??梢詮鸟R斯洛需求理論著手,從生存需求,如“薪資福利”,被愛需求“同事關(guān)系與單位歸屬感”,安全需求“工作性質(zhì)與環(huán)境”,和個(gè)人價(jià)值需求“工作內(nèi)容與成就感”,擇1-2方面入手回答。

  4: Tell me something else about your house/flat.

  In my flat, there are tens of flowers and plants in the balcony, just like a garden. Both of my parents are fond of flowers, though I ain’t. But I have to admit that flowers have magic powers because every time when I see my balcony from outside, I feel happy from deep inside. The flowers make my flat so extraordinary.

  Balcony: 陽(yáng)臺(tái)

  Be fond of: 喜歡

  Admit that: 承認(rèn)某件事

  Deep inside: 內(nèi)心深處


  5: Are the transport facilities to your home very good?

  Definitely yes. I can’t find a second place which provides convenient public transportation as Shanghai does. There are 3 bus stops near my home. The underground station is just 500 metres away. Cabs are everywhere on the street and people ride shared bikes to commute easily for short distance.


  Can’t find a second…as…:找不到二個(gè)像…這樣的

  500 metres away: 500米外

  Shared bikes: 共享單車

  Commute: 通勤 上下班

  For a short distance: 短距離


  6: Why your hometown is popular for traveling?

  I guess one of the reasons is that there’s very few cities so exciting like Shanghai. As the biggest city in the world, Shanghai provides extremely colorful day life and night life. Tourists love to go to the bund, Yu garden and Nanjing Road. They also love the theatres, concerts, night clubs and bars. So there’s no doubt that Shanghai is popular for traveling.

  There is very few cities so… like A: 很少有像A這么XX的城市了

  Population: 人口

  Extremely: 度的

  Night life: 夜生活

  Hotspots: 熱門地區(qū)

  There’s no doubt: 毫無(wú)疑問(wèn)

  思路:為什么你的故鄉(xiāng)是個(gè)旅游熱地?如果是風(fēng)景區(qū),可能因?yàn)橛猩接兴?,空氣?如果是古跡,可能因?yàn)橛袑m殿、古代遺跡 historical attractions, 有傳說(shuō)legends; 如果是城市,肯定因?yàn)楹芊比A,有好吃的好玩的,吸引吃貨foodies.

  7: Does your name have any particular (or special) meanings?

  Yes, most of the Chinese names have particular meanings because of the characters. My name “Zhen” stands for precious. So I infer it means that I am the precious one for my parents.

  Character: 中漢字

  Precious: 珍貴的

  Infer: 推測(cè) [OD] Deduce or conclude (something) from evidence and reasoning rather than from explicit statements. E.g. From the facts we could infer that the hero did not die.


  8: Would you like to change your name?

  Not really. I have a strong attachment to my name. Probably because it was given by my parents. Besides, it can be very problematic if I change my name. I will have to change all the IDs, driving license, and explain again and again on my certifications to confirm they are mine. So, no, I won’t do that.

  Attachment:依附感,依戀;[OD] Affection, fondness, or sympathy for someone or something.

  Problematic:有問(wèn)題的,麻煩的;[OD] Constituting or presenting a problem. E.g. Students are out of control. This situation can be problematic for teachers.

  Driving license: 駕照

  Certifications: 證書


  9: Do you think that children should do housework?

  I think they should. Housework is a way for children to contribute to the family, and also a good way to develop some practical skills. Children nowadays are pretty spoiled, I doubt if their grandparents will allow their kids doing the work, but doing some housework is definitely beneficial for children.

  Contribute to: 為…做貢獻(xiàn)

  Develop practical skills: 培養(yǎng)實(shí)用技能

  Spoiled: adj. 寵壞的

  Allow someone doing something: 允許某人做某事

  Beneficial: 有益的


  10: How do you feel when you receive a letter or email?

  I will have a look at the name of the sender first. If it’s from my friend or someone I am expecting for, then YES! I will be extremely happy. But if it’s a spam, I don’t feel the same way.

  Have a look at: 看下, 等于look at


  Expect for: 期待

  Extremely: 度地

  Spam: 垃圾郵件


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