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小編:天空 1533

  7. 強(qiáng)生的作品被認(rèn)為是_________和_________因?yàn)樽髌肥浅錆M了難理解的參考和難解的的離題。

  Johnson's writing is considered __________ and _________ because it is filled with obscure references and baffling digressions.

 ?。ˋ) deceiving adj. 欺騙...ingenuous adj. 坦率的

 ?。˙) arcane adj. 神秘的,秘密的...abstruse adj. 深奧的,難解的

  (C) spare adj. 節(jié)省...didactic adj. 教學(xué)的

 ?。―) lucid adj. 表達(dá)清楚的...definitive adj. 決定性的

  (E) concise adj. 簡明的...esoteric adj. 難解的,機(jī)密的

  8. 因?yàn)榕h員在選民中的印象已經(jīng)是如此的慷慨了,所以很難和_________達(dá)成一致如果她顯得_________的話。

  Because the congresswoman has been so openhanded with many of her constituents, it is difficult to reconcile this __________ with her private __________.

 ?。ˋ) selfishness n. 自我中心...inattention n. 疏忽,粗心

  (B) insolence n. 傲慢...virtue n. 美德,郵電

  (C) magnanimity n. 慷慨...pettiness n. 小氣

 ?。―) opportunism n. 機(jī)會主義,投機(jī)主義...ambition n. 野心,抱負(fù)

  (E) solicitousness n. 熱切期望...generosity n. 慷慨,大方

  P 672

  Section 9

  1. 當(dāng)海膽變得更少的時候,潛水員要_______更深的地方去尋找它們,_______可能會導(dǎo)致潛水受傷。

  As sea urchins are becoming scarcer, divers are ___________ to more dangerous depths to retrieve them, __________ the potential for diving injuries.

 ?。ˋ) swimming v. 游泳...lessening v. 減少

 ?。˙) descending v. 下降...increasing v. 增加

  (C) removing v. 去除...avoiding v. 避免

 ?。―) returning v. 返回...seeing v. 看見

 ?。‥) climbing v. 攀登...creating v. 創(chuàng)造

  2. 安娜提出約翰習(xí)慣性的自夸自己的衣柜是一個__________的方式。

  Anne mentioned John's habitual boasting about his wardrobe as an example of his __________ ways.

  (A) erratic adj. 古怪的

 ?。˙) egotistical adj. 自我的

 ?。–) flexible adj. 靈活的

 ?。―) tactful adj. 老練的

  (E) inconspicuous adj. 不顯眼的

  3. 他的同事很尊敬他因?yàn)樗確________也_________; 他信念堅(jiān)強(qiáng)和溝通很老練。

  His peers respected him because he was both __________ and __________: steadfast in his beliefs and tactful in his negotiations.

 ?。ˋ) resourceful adj. 資源豐富的...courteous adj. 謙恭的

 ?。˙) tenacious adj. 固執(zhí)的...manipulative adj. 操縱的

 ?。–) determined adj. 堅(jiān)決的...demonstrative adj. 說明的

 ?。―) resolute adj. 堅(jiān)決的, 果斷的...diplomatic adj. 外交的

 ?。‥) outspoken adj. 坦率的...indiscriminate adj. 無差別的

  4. 考慮到中世紀(jì)英國的很多女人不能掌控自己的生活,馬季瑞肯皮十五世紀(jì)的自傳展示了非凡的__________。

  Considering that many women had little control over their own lives in medieval England, Margery Kempe's fifteenth-century autobiography demonstrates a remarkable degrees of __________.

  (A) consecration n. 奉獻(xiàn)

 ?。˙) rationalism n. 理性主義

 ?。–) autonomy n. 自治

  (D) effacement n. 抹殺

 ?。‥) simplicity n. 簡易

  5. 遵循法令禁止__________條例,懷疑_________有可能被強(qiáng)制性的留住即使沒有正式的控告。

  Following the decree banning ___________ acts, suspected ___________ could be forcibly without the filing of formal charges.

  (A) rebellious adj. 反叛的...conformists n. 墨守成規(guī)的

 ?。˙) apolitical adj. 與政治無關(guān)的...loyalists n. 忠實(shí)擁護(hù)者

 ?。–) seditious adj. 煽動...insurrectionists n. 起義者

 ?。―) subversive adj. 顛覆性的...nonpartisans n. 無黨派

 ?。‥) supportive adj. 支持的...opponents n. 對手

  6. 通過在他的個人秀里面展示出多樣化的性格,約翰里輝贊提倡去__________戲院的傾向于不給拉丁演員很多角色選擇。

  By portraying a wide spectrum of characters in his one-man show, John Leguizamo provides a ___________ to the theater's tendency to offer a limited range of roles to Latino actors.

 ?。ˋ) corrective n. 改善法

  (B) tribute n. 致敬,禮物

 ?。–) corollary n. 推論

  (D) stimulus n. 刺激

 ?。‥) precursor n. 前導(dǎo)








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