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小編:環(huán)球教育整理 573


  Nevertheless, there is something to be said in their favor. Take for instance vitamins, the discovery of which has produced a revulsion in favor of ‘natural’ foods. It seems, however, that vitamins can be supplied by cod-liver oil and electric light, which are certainly not part of the ‘natural’ diet of a human being. This case illustrates that, in the absence of knowledge, unexpected harm may be done by a new departure from nature, but when the harm has come to be understood it can usually be remedied by some new artificiality. As regards our physical environment and our physical means of gratifying our desires, I do not think the doctrine of ‘nature’ justifies anything beyond a certain experimental caution in the adoption of new expedients. Clothes, for instance, are contrary to nature, and need to be supplemented by another unnatural practice, namely washing, if they are not to bring disease. But the two practices together make a man healthier than the savage who eschews both.


  To respect physical nature is foolish; physical nature should be studied with a view to making it serve human ends as far as possible, but it remains ethically neither good nor bad. And where physical nature and human nature interact, as in the population question, there is no need to fold our hands in passive adoration and accept war, pestilence, and famine as the only possible means of dealing with excessive fertility. The divines say: it is wicked, in this matter, to apply science to the physical side of the problem; we must (they say) apply morals to the human side, and practice abstinence. Apart from the fact that everyone, including the divines, knows that their advice will not be taken, why should it be wicked to solve the population question by adopting physical means for preventing conception?

  尊重物質(zhì)的自然是愚蠢的; 物質(zhì)的自然應(yīng)當(dāng)加以研究,以便使其盡可能地服務(wù)于人類的目的,但它在道德上是無(wú)所謂好壞的。在物質(zhì)的自然和人類的天性相互影響的地方,如人口問(wèn)題,我們無(wú)須束手被動(dòng)地敬畏并接受戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng),瘟疫和饑荒為解決過(guò)度繁殖的問(wèn)題的唯一可能的方法。神學(xué)家們說(shuō),在此事上,應(yīng)用科學(xué)于這一問(wèn)題的物質(zhì)方面是罪惡的;我們應(yīng)當(dāng)(他們說(shuō))應(yīng)用道德于人的方面,并且實(shí)行禁欲。每個(gè)人,這些神學(xué)家也不例外,都知道他們的勸告無(wú)人理睬,撇開這個(gè)事實(shí)不談,通過(guò)避孕的物質(zhì)手段來(lái)解決人口問(wèn)題究竟何罪之有?

  No answer is forthcoming except one based upon antiquated dogmas. And clearly the violence to nature advocated by the divines is at least as great as that involved in birth control. The divines prefer a violence to human nature which, when successfully pracised, involves unhappiness, envy, a tendency to persecution, often madness. I prefer a ‘violence’ to physical nature which is of the same sort as that involved in the steam engine or even in the use of an umbrella. This instance should show ambiguous and uncertain is the application of the principle that we should follow ‘nature.’


  Nature, even human nature, will cease more and more to be an absolute datum; more and more it will become what scientific manipulation has made it. Science can, if it chooses, enable our grandchildren to live the good life, by giving them knowledge, self-control, and characters productive of harmony rather than strife.

  (What I Believe, 1925)




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