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小編:環(huán)球教育教研中心 772






  1.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? All school teachers should be required to take courses every five years to update their knowledge.


  Every subject is constantly developing with the forefront being renewed on a yearly basis, so it is believed that teachers should update their knowledge accordingly. However, asking the teachers to take courses every five years would be inadvisable, since it would be unnecessary for teachers at certain levels of education.To begin with, it would clearly be quite unnecessary for the primary school teachers, since they only offer basic knowledge, which seldom changes in five years. For example, the basic calculation principles have never changed since they were invented; the basic grammatical rules have also remained almost the same for centuries. Teachers of these subjects obviously do not need to update their knowledge of the subject they are teaching every five years. Besides, subjects such as music and PE are all the more stable, with almost no requirement on new knowledge.A first sight, it would seem necessary for university professors as they usually have to keep themselves informed of the forefront of their own fields of study. However, the fact is that professors and lecturers attend conferences or seminars, and read newly-published academic articles themselves so as to keep up with the latest development of their field. Taking courses would only waste their time and impair the academic freedom. These teachers would spontaneously seek out information about their field regularly, so it would be unwise to force them to take courses at too long an interval.In fact, among teachers of different levels of education, only middle school teachers might find it necessary to take such courses. This is because the syllabus and test forms may change regularly and if they are not familiar with the modifications, they may fail to enhance the academic performance of their students. For example, middle school teachers should be fully aware of the reform in SAT writing and teach the students the new skills required; otherwise, their students might be wrongly instructed and score too low in the test, failing to get enrolled in top-notch universities. More often than not, the changes in the syllabus and test forms are subtle but complicated, so assembling the teachers and giving them instructions would lead to a most satisfactory result. In this way, the education bureau can make sure that every teacher understands the changes and that they can teach students more effectively.In conclusion, although teachers do have to update their knowledge, it is not necessary to require teachers of all levels to take courses every five years.


  2.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People should not spend a lot of time on communicating by technologies, such as through social media or with text messages.


  The younger generation are perhaps the tech-savviest in history, spending several hours on their smartphones, laptops and tablets, exchanging messages and updating on their social media accounts. Some have even abandoned the face-to-face communication and opted for a virtual social life. In my opinion, people should limit their time spent on these technological devices.Admittedly, modern technologies allow us to lead a more efficient and colorful life. With a smartphone or a tablet, we can reach out to our friends or complete strangers regardless of geographical barriers. Via several touches on the screen, an appointment can be made, and the whereabouts of the celebrities can be known. The outside world has never been so close to us. It is no wonder that some would sacrifice hours of time which should have been used to work or study for a indulgence in the virtual world, giving out and receiving likes, reading and making comments. However, things would never be that simple. As the technology creeps into our life, we are more or less becoming the slaves of them.Too much exposure to the virtual world affects our communication in real life. One look at the way a person chats online or texts on the phone and we can realize how different it is from our daily talks. Communication online involves no changes in intonation or facial expression, and certainly does not follow strictly the grammatical rules. Instead, emoji and memes have been created as a substitution for facial expression. Also, acronyms and abbreviations have been employed to squeeze space for more contents in the 140-character limit. When these people return to real life, they find it impossible to read long articles, or to compose proper essays, or even, to talk at ease with others outside their own circle of friends.Moreover, social network fails to achieve what it has claimed to be. Rather than cheering us up, it makes us more depressed. Normally, a girl spends hours doing make-ups, takes hundreds of selfies, picks several good ones, and retouches them for dozens of times, before posting the best-looking one on her social media accounts. Then comes the anxious waiting for likes and comments from her friends, which, if not enough, will certainly dampen her mood for a whole day. Also, rather than keeping us well-informed, social network makes us more arrogant and biased. We do not agree to disagree—we simply aim for a good quarrel with those holding a different view. We do not look for voices from the other party—we simply turn a blind eye to them and stick to what we believe to be true.In conclusion, long time exposure to modern technologies, and social media and text messages in particular, will more or less have a negative effect on our social life and mental health, so it seems we have to limit our time spent on these technologies.


  3.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Children are benefited in important ways by taking care of pet.


  Nowadays, more and more families are keeping pets and treating them as family members. It is not difficult to imagine how much happiness our puppies and kittens have been sharing with us. In fact, the happiness is not the only treasure that pets brought to people, especially for those who have children. This is because children could learn and benefit a lot from keeping a pet in various important ways.First, taking care of a pet, children will learn the difficulties that their parents have been through while bringing them up. In order to keep their pets healthy and happy, children need to food and drink them on time, to shower them regularly, to spend time playing with them every day, and to look after them when they are sick. It seems that, to a certain extent, those responsibilities are similar to those of parents’ when taking care of their own children. Because of those similarities, children could have opportunities to “perform” parenting roles and thus learn how hard it is to be their pets’ “parents”. Once children are aware of the difficulties of being a father or mother, they will become grateful for everything that their parents have done for them, and love their families more than ever.Second, children will not feel lonely if they keep pets. In today’s families, especially families in big cities, more and more parents choose to have only one child. It is very likely that a child feel lonely if his or her parents are busy with their works. Admittedly, children from different families could get together and play with each other when parents are not at home. However, very few parents would allow their children to do so, because they are reluctant to take the risk that some troublemakers among those kids will accidently hurt their children. In this case, keeping a pet, such as a loyal puppy or a cute kitten, seems to be a better choice. I remember that when I was little, I had a kitten named Orange. Though Orange seemed to be indifferent to everything happening in this world, he would always love to stick to me when my parents went to work. We spent a lot of time together, reading books, watching cartoons, and drawing pictures. With Orange, I never felt lonely.Therefore, I think, it is not an exaggeration to say that keeping a pet could benefit kids in important ways, such as teaching children how difficult it is to be “parents”. Moreover, children will not feel lonely with their pets around, sharing each sweet moment together.


  4.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: people now are more interested in improving the neighborhood (the area that they live) than in the past.


  There is an old saying in Chinese that our neighbors could offer us greater help than our relatives when we are in trouble. This saying shows that neighbors have been playing an indispensable part of people’s life in China. Nowadays, some people still believe that the majority of us are interested in improving the neighborhood. However, in my opinion, people today neither have the time nor the willingness to maintain their relationship with neighbors.To begin with, people today have intensive schedule of study or work, thus they have little time to spend on improving the neighborhood. For workers who need to financially support their families, they need to complete demanding assignments during workdays; sometimes they even need to work overload and overtime. Therefore, workers will be exhausted after five days of working, and might simply relax at home during the weekends. In terms of students, they usually do not hang out with friends as students in the past did, because they need to write numerous papers in order to earn credits and prepare for the college entrance exam. This phenomenon is especially true in Asian where students’ academic performance is referred to as the standard of good students or bad students. In this sense, students do not have time to play with their peers, let alone maintain relationship with neighbors.Moreover, even if people have the spare time to do something, they prefer to develop their own interests or travel with friends rather than improving the neighborhood. With the development of the society and modern technology, people could enjoy different types of entertainments, such as playing online games, traveling, shopping, to name a few. Those activities occupy most of people’s leisure time today; on the contrary, entertainment activities were very limited in the past, and people then did not have too many choices to kill time except for visiting their neighbors. Based on the above discussion, it could be seen that people today are less interested in improving the neighborhood.To sum up, because of the busy life and the pervasion of various types of entertainment activities, people today lack the time and the willingness to maintain their relationship with neighbors.


  5.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In order for a business to succeed, it must put more money in advertising.


  In order to gain profits and occupy a larger portion of market, companies have developed many ways to increase their market share, including spending money on advertising. Some people believe that a company cannot achieve success unless they invest more money on advertising. However, the effectiveness and influence of an advertisement does not solely depend on how much money was put in it; also, there are several circumstances that a business should cut down its budgets on advertising and invest more on other projects.To begin with, low-cost advertisements could be attractive enough for customers and help companies to occupy a large portion of the market. For instance, there are advertisements of Coca-Cola everywhere around the world, and Coca-Cola seems to be the most competitive brand among companies selling beverages. Coca-Cola’s advertisements are perceived as more interesting and attractive than the ones of Pepsi and other companies of the same kind. It is the idea and content of Coca-Cola’s advertisement matter instead of how much money being put into the advertisement. A simple cartoon with fancy ideas which come from ordinary people instead of a celebrity designer may have greater influence than scenes that got shot on famous spots with post-processing.Moreover, some small companies in lack of the money to create widespread advertisements need to invest on other things first such as the quality of their products and marketing. When it comes to shops that sell cookies, for example, they should improve the flavors of their products first. Then, letting customers taste their free samples may be a better strategy than those posters on walls for advertising. In addition, sometimes companies suffering from crisis should put more money on human resources and adjusting the configuration of different departments within the companies. Unless they have solved the crisis, they have no reason to emphasize too much on advertising.Based on the above discussions, a company has many choices other than investing more on advertising to make a business to be successful. Admittedly, advertising investment is so important that it is often a decisive factor to the success of a company; however, it is not always the predominant factor.


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