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小編: 1138

來(lái)源:環(huán)球教育網(wǎng) www.ielts.com.cn 2005-12-6

發(fā)貼:James Foo


Name and preparation 一級(jí)重要

1: What is your name?
2: Do you have a job or are you a student?
3: Which subjects did you study when you were in school?
4: What will you do in the future? (What will you do after you

graduate? What kind of job you want to get?)
5: Why do you want to go abroad?
6: Which specialty you will choose in the future? Why?
7: What is your daily routine?

About studying English 二級(jí)重要

1: please give some ideas about how to study English?
2: What do you think about English?
3: What do you think of English and other languages?
4: How to learn English well? (How to improve your English?)

5: When did you begin to study English?
6: What is the key to studying English?

7: Are there some difficulties when studying English?
8: Why do you not study other languages?


1. Describe your father? Describe his personality and character?

2. Describe your mother? Describe her personality?

3. Who do you like the most your father or your mother? Why?

4. What family activities are popular in your city?

5. Are you satisfied with your family life? Would you ever want it to be changed?

6. Is family education important?

7. Parents are the best teachers do you agree or disagree? Why?

8. What is the best way to raise a child?

9. What kinds of activities are common among elderly people in your city?

10. When parents get old most of them live in Bed houses(養(yǎng)老院,也可能用rest house表達(dá)) or Nursing homes as they have problems living together with their children. Do you think that it is reasonable? Is it common in your country?

11. Should children live independently after they become adults?

12. What kind of social welfare is available for elderly citizens in your city/country?

13. Should parents punish children physically?

14. What is the best way to take care of elderly people?

15. What is your opinion on the concept of divorce? Does it affect the children ?


1. What are your hobbies?

2. What do you prefer to do in the evening?

3. What do you hate to do in the evening?

4. Do you like to listen to music? What type and why?

5. Do you play any musical instrument? If no would you like to learn?

6. Have you ever tried any dangerous sports such as bungee jumping, surfing, climbing, sky diving etc? If not would you like to try?

7. Where do you normally hang out with your friends? What is so special about this place?

8. What sort of person do you really like to make friends with?

9. What is the difference between your hobbies now and those when you were a kid?

10. Do you like to play computer games? Which one is your favourite? Why?

11. What makes you laugh? Why?


1. Do you like your hometown? Why?

2. What is famous about your hometown?

3. What do people do for fun in your hometown?

4. What do people like to do in the evening?

5. What is your opinion on the living standard of your hometown?

6. What are the biggest changes in your hometown? Which have occurred in the past decade?

7. Are you satisfied with the development of your hometown? Why?

8. Are there any museums in your hometown? Which one is your favourite★Why?

9. Describe something that you saw in this museum?

10. What are the best places to enjoy and visit in your hometown?

11. How are traffic conditions in your hometown?

12. What are the people like in your hometown?

13. Are there any parks or garden of interest in your hometown? Which ones are your favourite? Why?

14. What is the main industry in your hometown?

15. Describe the environmental problem of your hometown?

16. What is the most popular sport in your hometown? Why?

17. How is the weather in your hometown? What do people prefer to do in certain seasons?

18. Which city would you prefer to go and live?

19. Which country you would like to go to and why?

20. Would you prefer to live in a city or a village? Why?

Sport: 二級(jí)重要

1: Do you like sports?
2: Which kind of sports do you like? Why?
3: What kind of people like sports? Which dislike?
4: Do Chinese like sports?
5: Which kind of sports do people in your hometown like?
6: Do you think sports have some benefits to young people? What kind?
7: Did you do some sports in school?
8: Should the government limit dangerous sports, such as Bungee Jumping(蹦 極)?


1: Do you like to take photographs?
2: Do Chinese people like to take photographs?
3: What kind of photos you like to take?
4: How do you arrange your photos?
5: Are there any photos on walls of your home?
6: Do Chinese like photos?
7: Do you have some photos you took in the past?
8: What kind of photos do you like?
9: What kind of photos do Chinese like?
10: Is taking photos popular in china?

Animals or pets一級(jí)重要

1: What is your favourite animal?

2: Why do you like this animal?

3: Do you like keeping a pet? Why?
4: How should we protect wild animals?

5: Is it our responsibility to provide animals with better living and survival conditions?

6: Being a vet is a good job. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

7: What pets are popular in your country?

8: Is cloning animals reasonable or not?

9: Using animals for experiments is common do you have any suggestion on this procedure?

10: Are animals worth protecting?

11: Are there any endangered species of animals in your country? How to canthey be saved them? Why should we save them?


1:What is your job?

2:What would be your ideal job?

3:What do you do ?

4:Why do you like or dislike this job?

5:Is your job promising or not? Why?

6:What jobs are the most popular in your country?

7:What is most important when it comes to a good job: money (salary), colleagues, boss or the working environment?

8:Are there any jobs you would not do?

9:Are there any jobs that only men or women should do?

10:How do people get paid in your country: weekly, monthly or daily? Are you satisfied with this schedule? Why?

11:Is working in a bank dangerous or not? Why?

12:Which job is the most respectful job in your country? Why?

13:Did you ever have a part-time job?

Transport: 一級(jí)重要

1: Which kind of transport do you like? Why? Tell me about its advantage and disadvantage?

2: Which kind of transport you go by when traveling? Describe it’s advantages and disadvantages?

3: Tell me something about transportation in the future?

1:Tell me about how to keep your figure?

2:What differences are there in keeping figure between men and women?

3:What is the right way to keep fit?

4:Are there any exercise facilities in your community?


How to spend your birthday ?

Is birthday important in China?


1:How is a Chinese wedding arranged?

2:What is the procedure for a Chinese wedding?

3:What kinds of activities take place in a Chinese wedding?

4:What are the differences between Chinese and foreign weddings?

5:What are the differences between traditional and modern Chinese weddings?

6:What sort of gifts can be given to the couple on their wedding day in China?

7:What gifts should we not give to the couple on the wedding day?

8:What kind of clothes should one wear for a Chinese wedding?

9:Where does the couple live after getting married? Independently or with the parents? Do you agree or disagree? Discuss.

10:Is the divorce rate very high in your country? How is it controlled?

11:What effects can divorce have to a child?

12:Should parents quarrel in front of the children?

13:What do you think of polygamy? Is it allowed in your country?

14:Should a couple be forced to do a full medical check-up before getting married? Why?



Describe an ideal apartment/ house:

You must say: 一級(jí)重要

Where would you like to have your ideal apartment/house?

What kind of surroundings would you prefer around your apartment?

How about its interior decoration? And explain why it suits you or wouldsuit you?

Extra Questions:

★What is the difference between modern buildings and old buildings?

★Describe the building most Chinese live in?

★What kind of house would be regarded ideal by most people?

★Why do most people prefer to live in big houses?

★Why maintain old buildings?

★Describe the differences between living in the city and living in village?

★Describe a city in which you would like to live? Why?

★Which country would you prefer to live in? Why?

★ Should children live with their parents when they grow up or should live independently?

★Would you like to change your present home? Why?


Describe your favourite room: 一級(jí)重要

You must say:

Which is it?
Why you like it?

Describe the inside of the room?

Extra questions

★What kind of room would be ideal for you?

★How often do you tidy your room?

★What are the differences between the rooms in city homes and village

homes ?

★What is the difference between your bedroom and other rooms in your house?

★Do you know your neighbours? What sort of people are they?

★What are the advantages and disadvantages of living with parents?

★What sort of living environment is the best for children?


A Toy:

You must say:

What is this toy?

Describe how it looks?

Where did you buy it or who gave it to you? Why?

Why do you like it?

Extra questions:

1. What is your opinion on violent toys?

2. What are the differences between the toys girls like and the toys boys like?

3. What are the differences between old toys and new toys?

4. Are toys important for children? Why?

5. Why it is always boys who prefer violent toys?

6. Who should choose toys for children? Parents or the kids themselves.

7. Why do you think that parents spend a lot of money on toys for their children?

4. product 一級(jí)重要

Describe a product that is made or grown in your country

You must say:

What are its functions?

Who buys it?

Where can we buy it?

Why is it important?

Extra questions:

What type of advertisement is most popular?
What kind of business is most popular in your hometown?
Do you think some advertisement methods can be harmful?
Is local business important?

How do you think the employment of your city will change in the future?

5. A quiet place( park or garden) 一級(jí)重要

Describe a quite where you often go




Extra questions:

What impacts noises have?

How to reduce the harm of noises?

Do you like to live alone? Why?

6. Your favourite book or magazine+ (newspaper): 一級(jí)重要

You must say:

What is the name of this book or magazine?

Why do you like to read this book or magazine?

What did you learn from it?

Extra questions:

★How does the Internet effect books and their popularity?

★At what age should children start reading books? Why?

★What is the best method to enjoy reading a book?

★What is the difference between the books that people read in different

age groups? What sorts of books do elderly people prefer to read in your opinion?

★Who is the most famous writer in your country? Why is he famous?

★Are there any foreign writers that are famous in your country?

★Describe what kind of books children should and shouldn’t read?

7. Relax一級(jí)重要

Describe a way you like to relax.

You must say:

Why do you choose this method to relax yourself

(where, when, with whom, how often)

Extra questions:

Is life more stressful now?

How can we reduce stress ?

Do you feel very stressed ?

The differences between the way men and women relax?

How do people face their stressful lives?

8. Describe your favourite TV programme: 二級(jí)重要

You must say:

What is the name of your favourite TV programme?

Why do you like to watch this TV programme?

What is this programme about?

Extra Questions:

★What are the differences between the TV programmes of now and 20 years ago?

★Is there too much violence on TV in country? How should it be controlled ?

★How is Internet affecting the TV?

★Are there any programmes that you hate to watch? Why?

★ What TV sets you prefer, the old ones or the new flat screen ones?Why?

★Who is your favourite TV star?

★What is your opinion on advertisement on TV? Is it necessary? Why?

★Should children watch TV? Why?

★How many hours a week do you watch the TV? Are you a TV addict?

★What are the advantages and disadvantages of watching TV?

9. Describe your favourite movie: 一級(jí)重要

You must say:

What is the name of this film?

Why do you like this film?

What is the story of this film?

With whom did you watch this film?

10. a story二級(jí)重要

You must say:

What is the story?

Why do you like it?

What are the differences that you find in local and foreign stories?

Extra questions with answers, vocabulary and sample answer:

? Are there any differences between the stories that told to children in that past and nowadays?

★Who was your favourite superhero in your childhood?

★What is your opinion on superstitious people?

★Children always like to copy their favourite superhero but sometimes they hurt themselves while they copy their heroes. In your opinion what kind of precautions should be taken?

11. Describe a gift: 一級(jí)重要

You must say:

What the gift is?

Who gave it to you?

When you got it

Why you got this gift

Extra Questions:

★What kinds of gifts are normally given to people in your country?

★ What kind of gifts should not be given to people in your country? Why?

★Can money be given as a gift to people in your country?

★Are there any differences between the gifts given to people in the past and now?

★What are the differences between the gifts given to girls and boys?

★On what occasions do you normally give gifts to others?

★What sort of gifts should we choose to give to children? Why?

★What is the most important thing one should pay attention to while buying a gift? Price or quality?

★Do you think wrapping a gift is necessary or it is just a custom that we follow?

12. Describe a Shop. 一級(jí)重要

You must say:

What this shop is ?

Where is it?

What’s special about this shop?

How are the price and quality of good sold in this shop?

Extra Questions:

★What are the main differences between bargain shops and others?

★What is the best way to haggle ?

★Do you get a guarantee, when you buy things in your country? Do you think it’s important?

★Are there any pickpockets in your city? What should we do with these people?

★Girls like shopping more than boys do? Do you agree or disagree discusbs?

★Are there any duty free shops in your city? Do you go to them ?

★How is the business of most of the shops in your city?

13. Describe your favourite teacher or your grandparent : 一級(jí)重要

What is the name of this teacher?

What did he teach you?

Why he/she is your favourite teacher?

Do you think choosing teaching, as a career is a wise decision?

Did you find any differences between foreign teachers and local teachers?

Extra Questions:

★What are the main differences of secondary education between now and past?

★How are most schools in your city?

★What kinds of schools are popular in your city?

★Does multimedia education affect the interest of students?

14. Describe the style of clothes you wear? 一級(jí)重要

Where do you often buy your clothes?

How to choose your clothes?
Explain why you like the type of clothing .

Extra Questions:

★Why do some people not like shopping?

★Is important for someone to express themselves through their clothing ?

★How can you know a person through their clothing ?

★What do you think about fashion?

★Do you think that expensive brand name clothes are worth the money ? Why

★Why young people like following fashion? What are the disadvantages

of young people following fashion?

15. Describe a traditional Chinese Dress: 一級(jí)重要

What are the distinctive features of this dress?

How popular is this from of dress in China?

When do people normally wear it?

Is it expensive or cheap?

Extra question:

★What are the differences between the fashion of modern China and Old China?

★What sorts of clothes are popular in China, traditional clothes or the clothes from foreign countries?

★Are clothes with fancy embroidery popular in your country? Do you like them? Why?

★What are the differences between the clothes of men and women in

your city?

★What do students wear in your country?

★Are suits and jeans popular in your country?

★When do you normally shop for clothes? Why?

★Should we spend a lot of money on buying expensive clothing? Why?

★Usually, what kinds of clothes do people wear on special occasion in


16 .Online education: 二級(jí)重要

You must say:

Is online education real education?

Will it affect the business of real schools and universities?

Is an online degree recognized in your country? If not do you think it should be?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of online education?

Will it affect teachers?

In the future will no one go to schools just because of online education?

Should computers be used in the classroom? Why?

Should all the teachers and students learn how to operate computers ?

? What is the name of your school and its location?

? What are the main subjects taught in your school?

? Are you satisfied with the teaching method of your school

? Were you ever punished at school? Why? How?

? What is your opinion on co-education?


Describe your favorite car
what kind of car is it?
What if any, special features does it have?
Do you feel it is safe?

What is the traffic situation like in your hometown?
What are the advantages and disadvantage of riding a bike in your city
what are the major problems this city might have if the use of private cars continues to increase?
How to restrict the use of private cars?
Which kind of vehicle is most dangerous?
The responsibility of Government


Describe something you are good at. You should say:

Where is it?

Where and when did you learn it?

How often do you do it?


Describe an entertainment place:

Where is it?

What is it used for?

Why do people go there?


Describe an advertisement you have seen or heard , you should say:

What is it about?

Where did you see or hear it?

Why do you like it?


Describe the best time in a day ?

Do you like to make a timetable every?

How about others ?

Others prefer a fixed timetable or not?


Local events



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