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    破解閱讀真經(jīng)之List of Headings 

 [http://www.ielts.com.cn]  環(huán)球教育網(wǎng)

     Pre and Post-Interview Self-marketing 

B - ii Professional Paper Preparation 
…will be what the see on paper, so it must look proficient to…
D - iv Rehearsal
…then rehearse how to tackle them…
E - iii Appropriate attire
…not require professional attire, one should still wear a business suite…
H - ix Psychometric testing: an essential part in some interview
…includes some form of psychometric testing as a routine part of…
I - v Test of personality
An individual’s personality plays an important part in…
K - vii Test specifics during a job interview
…a number of different tests…namely…
M - i Honesty: the highest principle
…Never lie to employer about…Be honest with…

    Interpretation and Interpreter (6/7)

A ? iv Difference between interpretation and translation
Although…by strict definition…refer to…and…to…
B ? ii Qualities of a capable translator
A competent translator should be very acquainted with the following points.
C ? i Types of interpretation
Interpretation is generally categorized into … and …
D ? iii Defining a court interpreter
A court interpreter is anyone who interprets in a civil or criminal court…
F ? vi Qualities of a court interpreter
In addition to…language, a court interpreter should have excellent…skills.
G ? viii Overall remuneration 報(bào)酬 system of court interpreters
*Not x ? how much…consecutive interpreter get paid?
…Court interpreters are generally paid by…
I ? vii Some tips for beginners of interpretation
…offer workshops and conferences at which novices are welcome.

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