




小編:長安 575






  1. Some students prefer to have their final grades determined by numerous small assignments, whereas others prefer to have their final grades determined by only a few large assignments. Which do you prefer and why?

  I prefer to have my final grade determined by numerous small assignments rather than one or two large assignments. That way, procrastination is less likely because I’m sharply focused on the frequent due dates. I also tend to learn more throughout the semester and each assignment is less stressful because they aren’t worth a huge percentage of my total grade.

  Procrastination can be a big problem for some students,myself included. When there are only a few large assignments in a class, therecan be several weeks in a row where we aren’t required to turn in any work. Theassumption is that we are studying or writing at home in the meantime. However,I know that this can sometimes lead to procrastination on my part. I takeadvantage of the situation and think I can take a few days to relax before getting to work. But more and more time goes by and suddenly I am scrambling to complete the assignment before the due date. Turning in smaller assignments more frequently prevents this scenario. The structure doesn’t allow me to fall behind because something is always due in the near future.

  These frequent assignments also assure that we students are learning more throughout the semester. For example, if each small assignment covers one chapter from the textbook, then my classmates and I will read each assigned chapter because we must. A test or new assignment is always around the corner to check our work. But such specific studying isn’t really necessary if we don’t even turn anything in until midway through the semester.Certain chapters might get skimmed or even skipped out of perceivedunimportance. Maybe we save time, but we are receiving less informationoverall, which isn’t good.

  Finally, having only a few large assignments can be tremendously stressful. I’m always well aware that doing poorly on an essaycould result in me failing the entire class if the essay is worth a largepercentage of my overall grade. This can have a nearly paralyzing effect on mywork because the pressure is just too much. Nothing I do seems good enough whenthe assignment is that important. Having several smaller assignments is much more pleasant because I know it isn’t the end of the world if something goes wrong with one of them. My grade won’t be affected too terribly. I’m then more confident and at ease in my work.

  That is why I much prefer having my grade determined by several small assignments instead of a few large assignments. I’m not allowed to procrastinate, I engage more with the subject matter over the course of thesemester, and I’m not overwhelmed with stress because of massively important assignments.

  2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? All school teachers should be required to take courses every five years to update their knowledge.

  Every subject is constantly developing with the forefrontbeing renewed on a yearly basis, so it is believed that teachers should updatetheir knowledge accordingly. However, asking the teachers to take courses every five years would be inadvisable, since it would be unnecessary for teachers atcertain levels of education.

  To begin with, it would clearly be quite unnecessary forthe primary school teachers, since they only offer basic knowledge, whichseldom changes in five years. For example, the basic calculation principles have never changed since they were invented; the basic grammatical rules havealso remained almost the same for centuries. Teachers of these subjectsobviously do not need to update their knowledge of the subject they are teaching every five years. Besides, subjects such as music and PE are all the more stable, with almost no requirement on new knowledge.

  A first sight, it would seem necessary for university professors as they usually have to keep themselves informed of the forefront oftheir own fields of study. However, the fact is that professors and lecturersattend conferences or seminars, and read newly-published academic articlesthemselves so as to keep up with the latest development of their field. Takingcourses would only waste their time and impair the academic freedom. Theseteachers would spontaneously seek out information about their field regularly,so it would be unwise to force them to take courses at too long an interval.

  In fact, among teachers of different levels of education,only middle school teachers might find it necessary to take such courses. Thisis because the syllabus and test forms may change regularly and if they are notfamiliar with the modifications, they may fail to enhance the academicperformance of their students. For example, middle school teachers should befully aware of the reform in SAT writing and teach the students the new skillsrequired; otherwise, their students might be wrongly instructed and score toolow in the test, failing to get enrolled in top-notch universities. More often than not, the changes in the syllabus and test forms are subtle but complicated, so assembling the teachers and giving them instructions would leadto a most satisfactory result. In this way, the education bureau can make surethat every teacher understands the changes and that they can teach students more effectively.

  In conclusion, although teachers do have to update their knowledge, it is not necessary to require teachers of all levels to take courses every five years.

  3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: people should be open to new ideas and change his or her mind to be successful.

  Nowadays, people are facing fierce competition in schools and at work, which makes itmore difficult for people to succeed compared with the past. Some people arguethat in order to achieve success, people should be open-minded and accept new ideas whereas others prefer to stick to the existing plan and refuse to make a change. Based on what I have learned about this topic, it is better to accept new ideas and take some risks to become successful.

  To begin with, accepting new ideas enables people to seize the opportunity. With the development of modern technology and the advancing of new industries, people now have increasing new opportunities when choosing their future career.Inspired by new ideas and innovations, many people become successful after theystarted a career that is unprecedented in history. Jack Ma’s story serves as a perfect example in this case. Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba, was an Englishmajor student in college and became an English teacher after graduation. Soonhe learned from a friend that a new type of business referred to as“e-commerce” sprung up in Western countries, and he believes that this online-based business will be promising in the world market. Therefore, hestarted his own business and founded the company, namely Alibaba. With hisstrong leadership and the ability to foresee the trends in the field ofe-commerce, he now becomes one of the most successful businessmen in this century. His example clearly shows how rewarding it is to accept new ideas and make a change.

  Moreover, our visions will be limited if we are too stubborn to change our mind. This isnot only true in business but also in the field of scientific research. As astudent majored in linguistics, I have learned the importance of conductinginterdisciplinary research. However, some professors prefer to stick to their own field of research and refuse to make a change cooperating with professorsin other subjects. As a result, it becomes extremely difficult for this group of professors to propose new hypotheses or theories, let alone to make abreakthrough in the field of linguistics.

  To sum up, being willing to accept new ideas is an essential factor than contributesto our success. And I believe that in different fields, it is always necessary for us to take some risks and be creative.



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