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小編:長安 624




  其中舊題回庫,對于平日里積累過雅思口語歷史題庫素材的考生來說更加無需恐慌,例如曾在2017年12月鑫姐在總結題庫規(guī)律后跟大家公布了dictionary, animal, writing與toy等等話題會成為2018年的變題重點,而這些題目也是歷史題庫素材,那么同學們也看到了這些題目也確實在2018.1月出現(xiàn)了的變題話題之中。


  現(xiàn)在各位烤鴨需要在下一篇新題更新之前準備如下大范圍話題,其中包含12月當季話題, 因為里面一定有很多題目是1月必考的。等1月首場考試一開始,鑫姐會陸續(xù)為大家寫出到時候最新的必考題目版本,希望能助各位烤鴨一臂之力。



  Part 1



  2.Study or work學習或工作


  4.Accommodation/house or flat/living居住/房子或公寓


  1.Drinking water 喝水

  Do you like drinking water?

  How often do you drink water?

  Is bottled water expensive in your city?

  Is bottled water different from tap water?

  Do you have any experience of being thirsty?

  2.Cooking 烹飪

  Do you like cooking?

  Is breakfast very important?

  Do you prefer to eat out or to cook at home?

  Tell me something about a special meal you had last time at home.

  3.Drawing 畫畫

  What kind of paintings/drawings do you like? And why?

  Do you like painting?

  Have you ever learned anything about painting?

  Is there any painting or drawing class in Chinese primary schools?

  Do you think painting is an important skill?

  Do you have any experience of being drawn a portrait by someone? You like it?

  4.Being bored &killing time 打發(fā)無聊

  When do you feel bored?

  What do you do when you are bored? (上文已提到的情況下,考官不會再問。但自己可以追加,如果有機會。)

  What did you do when you were bored in the childhood?

  How do people in your country get relaxed?

  Do people in your country like holding parties?

  Do you hold birthday parties?

  Is it good to hold parties for children?

  5.Sport 運動

  Do you like doing sports?

  Is there any other sport that you want to try in the future?

  What sports do people in your country like?

  Who is the most popular sportsman in your country?

  What sports do you often do? Indoor or outdoor?

  Do you like watching the Olympic Games?

  6.Lateness 遲到/punctuality /being on time 準時

  Do you wear a watch?

  Are you punctual?

  Have you ever been late for something?

  What can make you late for something? (與上題有重疊語義,所以當?shù)谝活}已經(jīng)說出遲到的原因的情況下,此題被問到的概率就會很低。)

  Do you think being punctual is important in your culture?

  7.Park or garden 公園或花園

  Are there many parks/gardens in the city you are living in? enough?

  Do you like parks?

  What kind of people like parks?

  8.Rainy days 雨天

  Do you like rainy days?

  Do you often take raincoats/umbrellas with you?

  What will you do if you do not take raincoats or umbrellas with you?

  How do rainy days affect people's life?

  9.Seasons 季節(jié)

  Which season do you like most? And why?

  Do you like to live in the city with only one season or four distinct seasons?

  What do you often do in your favorite season?

  10.City 城市

  Do you like the city you are living in now?

  Which city have you been to recently?

  Do you prefer the city or the countryside?

  What kind of cities do you like?

  After your graduation, which city do you want to settle down in?

  11.Daily & morning routine 日常例行公事

  When do you often get up every day?

  What do you often do in the morning?

  Is breakfast important?(cooking已提過)

  What time do you like most in a day?

  Did you have the same daily routine when you were a kid?

  12.Foreign food 外國食物

  Do you like foreign food?

  What did you eat when you had foreign food for the first time?

  What kind of foreign food is popular in your country?

  What foreign food did you eat recently?

  Do you like trying new food?

  13.Plant 植物

  Are there any plants in your home?

  Who is responsible for keeping these plants?

  Have you ever learned anything about plants?

  In your culture, can people send plants as gifts?

  14.Taking photos 攝影

  Do you like taking photos?

  On what occasions do you often take photos?

  How do you often keep your photos?

  15.Shoes 鞋

  How often do you buy shoes?

  What kind of shoes do you like?

  Do you prefer comfortable shoes or fashionable shoes?

  Do you often buy shoes on line?

  Why do some people buy many pairs of shoes?

  16.Sunglasses 太陽鏡

  Do you like wearing sunglasses?

  Have you ever bought any sunglasses?

  Have you ever bought any sunglasses for others as gifts?

  Have you ever lost any sunglasses?

  17.Color 顏色

  What colors do you like?

  Do you like dark colors?

  What colors do you often wear in?

  Do colors of cars matter for you?

  18.Movies 電影

  Do you like watching movies? What kind of movies?

  How often do you go to cinema? With whom?

  Have movies that you like changed a lot?

  19.Weather 天氣

  Do you prefer dry or wet weather?/Do you like dry weather? (素材類似,二選一問)

  What kind of weather do you like most?

  What's your favorite season?

  What kind of weather is typical in your hometown?

  20.holiday 假期

  Do you like holidays?

  What did you do during one of your unforgettable holidays?/ Where did you go during the last holiday?

  Where do you plan to go next holiday?

  Do you like making holiday plans?/ Are you good at it?

  21.map 地圖

  Do you often use a map?

  How often do you use a map?

  When did you learn how to use a map?/ How did you learn how to use a map?/Who taught you how to use a map?

  Do you prefer to use an electronic map or a paper map?

  22.School life & Teacher 學校生活與老師

  Do you still remember the first day when you went to school?

  Do you like your high school?

  Who is the teacher you like most in your high school?

  Do you want to be a teacher?

  23.money 錢

  Have you had any experience of saving money?

  How did you save money during the childhood?

  How should parents teach children how to use money?

  Have you ever given any money to children as a gift?

  Did your parents give you money for rent paying?

  When you were little, did your parents pay you money as award due to your doing some housework?

  24.Music/singing 音樂/唱歌

  Do you like listening to music?

  What kinds of music do you like?

  Did you like the same kind of music with the music you liked in the childhood?

  Do you like live music?

  Do you like singing?

  Did you like singing in your childhood?

  25.letter and email & (post)card 書信、郵件&明信片(卡片)

  Do you often write letters?

  Have you written any postcards?

  Did you write letters when you were little? To whom?

  Do you receive more letters or emails on your birthday?

  Do you often write letters or cards?

  26.Daily transport (public transport) 日常交通

  How do you often go to work or school?

  How did you come here today?

  Do you often take public transports?

  What do you often do on public transports?

  在12月需重點提防的1月Part 1變題話題






  5.Shopping and online shopping購物與網(wǎng)購


  Part 2


  1.Describe a skill that took you a long time to learn

  2.Describe a good law in your country

  3.Describe a competition you want to join in

  4.Describe a comic actor or actress in your country

  5.Describe a magazine you like

  6.Describe an activity you like doing when you are alone

  7.Describe something that some people gave you and you really needed

  8.Describe the (impact on)/difference of your life that your first mobile phone made

  9.Describe a beautiful city

  10.Describe something that you made on your own and gave to others

  11.Describe a sport you once watched and you like to try

  12.Describe a (faraway) place that you plan to travel to

  13.Describe an interesting lecture or class you took

  14.Describe a place where you study

  15.Describe a time when you felt scared

  16.Describe a time when one of your home appliances / a piece of equipment did not work (was broken) (e.g. TV set )

  17.Describe a family business you know

  18.Describe an important decision that you made with the help from others

  19.Describe a childhood game (you liked)

  20.Describe something interesting that your friends have done but you have not

  21.Describe something that can help you to concentrate

  22.Describe a meaningful song you like

  23.Describe a TV program or a film that made you laugh

  24.Describe a n experience when you (planted something and) watched its growing process

  25.Describe a time when someone gave you money as a gift

  26.Describe a time when you looked for some information on line/from the Internet

  27.Describe a time when you lost something important

  28.Describe building you like

  29.Describe something that happened recently and made you happy

  30.Describe an experience when you went shopping in a street market

  31.Describe an occasion when you helped someone

  32.Describe an interesting animal

  33.Describe a person (you know) who helps to protect the environment

  34.Describe an interesting person who you have not met before but you want to meet

  35.Describe a friend of your childhood

  36.Describe a teenager you know

  37.Describe something/a skill you learned from math class (in your primary school)

  38.Describe a website you often visit

  39.Describe an experience of making a complaint and you were satisfied with its result

  40.Describe a quiet place (you like)

  41.Describe a talkative person you know (you like)

  42.Describe an interesting part of your country

  43.Describe a country or city you want to live or work in

  44.Describe something you borrowed from your friends or family

  45.Describe something you wear on special occasions

  46.Describe a time when you changed your plan

  47.Describe a time when you traveled by a public transport

  48.Describe something you have and you want to replace

  49.Describe an important river or lake in your country

  50.Describe the last book you read/ a book you read recently

  51.Describe a party you went to

  52.Describe a time when you had some medicine

  53.Describe a foreign language that you want to learn (not English)

  54.Describe an interesting job you want to do in the future

  在12月需重點提防的1月Part 2變題話題


  1.A vehicle車

  2.A school friend 學校時的朋友

  3.A friend who you haven't met for a long time許久未見之友

  4.A movie you dislike 不喜歡的電影

  5.Something you can't live without 重要之物

  6.Something you saved for 為某事物攢錢


  Good luck~

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