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小編:環(huán)小羊 411


  利弊類 – 環(huán)保話題

  More and more people buy and use their own car. Do you think advantages of this trend for individuals overweigh the disadvantages for environment?



  題目問的是利弊,可以用三種回答:1)利>弊, 2)弊>利 3)利弊相等




  advantages of this trend for individuals: 對好處有明確限定——針對個人

  disadvantages for environment:對壞處也有明確限定——針對環(huán)境




  It has been a popular trend that a growing number of people tend to buy their own cars. While its benefits to individuals are beyond doubt, I would say that detrimental effects of the driving trend on environment are far outweighing.

  From an individual perspective, the trend of life-on-wheels can be seen as positive for both comfortable and convenient reasons. Firstly, it is not difficult to imagine the comfort of driving to work in comparison with the feeling of being sandwiched in the packed subway during rush hours. Also, for some travelers who need to commute between cities frequently, driving by themselves is sometimes a relatively more affordable and convenient alternative to air flights, which is more expensive and irritating when considering the cumbersome security procedures at airports, if not the common place delay.

  However, these superficial benefits mentioned above are not justified enough to offset its damage to the environment. Out of all the problems,the carbon dioxide commissions stand out as the most serious symptom of the problem to which I see the prevailing driving lifestyle as the answer. Another apprehension we cannot afford to ignore is potential exhaustion of fuel energy with the rising number of cars. Some might argue that both problems could be mitigated by the electronic car, which are reckoned as a cleaner and energy saving alternative to its traditional counterparts in the near future.Nevertheless, this might lead to a new problem: how to deal with the discarded old models? Given the fact that most of their materials and engines arenon-biodegradable, they might stay in the junk yard for decades.

  In conclusion, although the benefits of private cars cannot be denied, I would say these merits for individuals should be at the sacrificeof environment.


  Detrimental 有害的

  Sandwich 被夾在中間

  Commute 往返穿梭

  Irritating 惱人的

  Cumbersome 繁瑣的

  Superficial 表面的

  Symptom 病癥

  Prevailing 泛濫的

  Apprehension 擔(dān)憂

  Mitigate 減少

  Non-biodegradable 無法降解的

  Sacrifice 犧牲


  While its benefits arebeyond doubt, I would say that detrimental effects are far outweighing.

  … can be seen as positive for both comfortable andconvenient reasons.

  … are not justified enough to offset its damage to … .

  … stand out as the most serious symptom of the problem towhich I see … as the answer

有規(guī)劃 更自信



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