




小編:長安 605



  1.A friend of yours wants to change his or her diet habit, what suggestions would you give to his friend?

  Firstly, I will suggest her to cook food herself. In this way you can cook some really healthy food without being influenced by others. I mean, if you always eat with your friend, it’s very hard to get rid of bad habits, like you have every intention in the world of ordering the chicken salad, but when you hear your friend order the grilled pork or creamy pasta, it’s easy to forget your plan and just  follow your friends. Secondly, I would suggest her to eat vegetables in her plate first, so when it comes to meat, she is almost full and thus consumes less meat.

  2.What measures can you suggest to help improve campus environment?

  I would recommend making sure the campus is more inclusive to students with different viewpoints and ways oflife. In a changing world such as ours we have to make sure that every student feels safe on campus, without fear of judgment or ostracism. Additionally, I'd  recommend a more thorough clean-up of trash that's scattered around the campus, or at the very least an awareness campaign that points out to students that they are ones suffering when they throw candy wrappers on the floor instead of in the trash bin. With these two simple measures we could make campus a better place to be for both teachers and students.

  3.Which period do you think is the most difficult one in people’s life? Childhood, adolescence or adulthood?

  I think adulthood is the most difficult one. This is because those in mature adulthood have already raised families or established themselves in their work life and become contributors to society. By the end of the day, as a young parent and working man or woman,he or she can get cranky, especially, if one of their parents is in hospital. I mean, their days can be pretty well filled and they may even suffer from sleep deprivation and have to use coffee to get energy. Of course, as a child or a teenager, you do have your own difficulties, you may be confused about the world and the meaning of life, but you do not have any pressure orresponsibilities from your family or the society, so I think adulthood is the most difficult period.

  4.Is it important to have good manners?

  Of course, it’s very important.First of all, you only have seconds to make a good impression. We meet thousands of people in our lives and most meetings are brief and superficial, so not everyone is as patient as your parents. A decent haircut, clean face and good manners will be noticed and have a significant effect on your life. Secondly, as the writer of <the game of throne> puts it, courtesies are women’s best weapons. Even if you have done something wrong, if you appear gracious and grateful, much will be forgiven, just like Sansa in the TV series, although her father and brother are regarded as traitors, she never forget hermanners and is spared by her enemies. So having good manners is important, andin some cases it can help you enormously.

  5.Who do you like to spend time together with the most?

  I would like to spend time with Cartman the most. Cartman is a former classmate and also my best friend. He is addicted to movies and novels, so am I. The reason I would like to spend time with him is that we share common interests and we have a lot to talk. Every day after school, I would go to his house, then we chose a movie and watch it. It’s been three years since we watched together the first time. And now we are even closer, because we just started our own company, we videotaped all those stray cats and dogs in the park or animal shelter and try to help them to find aowner. For me, Cartman is not only a friend, he is more like a brother now, Ilike being with him.



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