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來源:環(huán)球教育網(wǎng) www.ielts.com.cn 2005-6-7

The One Where Monica Gets a New Roommate (The Pilot-The Uncut Version)

Written by: Marta Kauffman and David Crane 
Transcribed by: guineapig 
Additional transcribing by: Eric Aasen (Note: The previously unseen parts of this episode are shown in blue text.)

Scene: Warm weekend afternoon. A small street in Manhattan. Around the corner, a small café Central Perk is standing with flowers waving above the door. Some guys are enjoying their time inside. Now we can see in the sofas sitting four guys, Chandler, Joey, Phoebe, and Monica.
一個(gè)清爽的午后,陽光撒在身上有說不出的舒服。這里是曼哈頓一個(gè)普通的街道,轉(zhuǎn)過一個(gè)街角,看到一簇大麗花掛在一個(gè)小咖啡店的標(biāo)牌前面,牌子上刻著Central Perk,一看便知是在開Central Park中央公園的玩笑。隔著窗子看進(jìn)去,生意不錯(cuò),幾個(gè)一堆邊喝邊聊,不時(shí)爆發(fā)出一陣陣笑聲喝碰杯的聲音。也有一個(gè)人獨(dú)坐窗邊靜靜思考,出神地看著外面的景致。
Monica: There's nothing to tell! He's just some guy I work with!
Joey: C'mon, you're going out with the guy! There's gotta be something wrong with him!
每天要說無數(shù)次的“出什么事了?”“怎么了”,英語里最救急的一句就是what’s wrong (with somebody/something)?你看到窗戶總是在半夜自己敞開,伴隨著“吱??”的響動(dòng),something wrong is going on!再比如,你全朋友今晚別看電視了,因?yàn)槌持闼X了,朋友自然不樂意,于是你說一句this is simply wrong!(你就是不該這么做)先讓他感到事態(tài)嚴(yán)峻,隨后說原因,如果每天都看無聊的soaps肥皂劇,自然不適合追求修養(yǎng)的人。
Chandler: All right Joey, be nice. 這里chandler一臉嚴(yán)肅的批評(píng)Joey,后面轉(zhuǎn)頭一問有變回了沒有口德的chandler So does he have a hump? A hump and a hairpiece? 這是Chandler挖苦Paul的話,意思是:他有駝背么?有假發(fā)的駝子?
Phoebe: Wait, does he eat chalk?
(They all stare, bemused.)
Phoebe: Just, 'cause, I don't want her to go through what I went through with Carl- oh!
在講go through之前,看兩道托福聽力。9508-07
7. I had a hard time getting through this novel.
I know how you feel. Who can remember the names of 35 different characters.
What does the woman imply?
7. (A) She also found the book difficult.
(B) She has learned a lot about names.
(C) She doesn't remember the title of the novel.
(D) She read a different book.
這里的get through=go through,就是看書讀書的意思,此題還被四六級(jí)委員會(huì)利用過。
普林斯頓樣題3-21 Tim really seems to go through a lot of money, didn’t he?
Like water, and he has nothing to show for it. 這里是花錢的意思。
可見go through就是神通廣大的衍生詞組,其中的意義很清楚,往前走,一直穿過去,或者是通過幸福,或者是經(jīng)歷煎熬。還有過海關(guān)是go through the customs,受苦就是go through the pains,隱喻肉體或者精神的煉獄。詳細(xì)劃分,第一表示to examine carefully,比如The professor went through the students’ papers教授已經(jīng)批完了學(xué)生的作業(yè), 第二表示to experience,比如We went through hell while working on this project我們做這個(gè)項(xiàng)目沒少受苦,第三表示to perform, 比如Who can go through the sonata in 30 minutes?誰能在半個(gè)小時(shí)之內(nèi)講這首奏鳴曲演奏完畢?舉個(gè)例子,你的朋友正在辦理離婚手續(xù),耗費(fèi)大量人力物力,你感慨萬千“It’s such a pain to go through”,表現(xiàn)對(duì)你朋友的同情。再比如,你是信任警官,跟隨一位senior detective(資深偵探)去調(diào)查雨夜連環(huán)殺人案。看到你笨手笨腳的樣子,偵探冷冷地說 ”I went through a case in two hours at most when I was your age, boy! ”(年輕人,我像你這么大的時(shí)候,偵破一個(gè)案件最多需要兩個(gè)小時(shí)?。┛粗痛沟拿遍?,冷酷的棱角,你發(fā)覺自己太嫩了,不禁問道: ”But what am I supposed to go through before I can make myself a qualified detective like you? ” (那我究竟需要經(jīng)歷哪些事情,才能真的成為像你這么出色的偵探?)偵探吐出一口雪茄“You watch and catch up, son”你要學(xué)會(huì)觀察,跟緊線索!
Monica: Okay, everybody relax. This is not even a date. It's just two people going out to dinner and not having sex.
it’s just不那么偏重轉(zhuǎn)折和否定,而是重在對(duì)內(nèi)容進(jìn)行輕描淡寫的敘述,為了減低強(qiáng)度,淡化嚴(yán)肅性,也就是我們常說的大事化小,小事化了。所以經(jīng)常用在給自己解圍的情境中。比如,你出門忘了帶鑰匙,結(jié)果你和女朋友只能四處溜達(dá),這讓她惱怒不已:”look, John, I can’t believe this is happening again!” 雖然你的確丟三落四,可是這里必須找個(gè)臺(tái)階下去,所以辯解到:”O(jiān)kay, honey, just be cool! It’s just a man like me happens to forget something like a key!”(好了,親愛的,別生氣了!不就是像我這樣的一個(gè)人,碰巧忘了意見諸如鑰匙的物件而已!)你的女朋友一臉反諷:”O(jiān)h really? So it’s just a girl like me happens to pick up a wrong guy like you, huh?”(哦,是嗎?這么說,不過就是象我這樣一個(gè)女孩,碰巧選錯(cuò)了一個(gè)你這樣的男朋友,是吧?)你聽出與其不對(duì),趕緊一個(gè)傻笑:”Yeah, honey, it’s just a sweet pair like us happen to live in a forgetful world like this!”(沒錯(cuò),親愛的,不過就是像我們這么甜蜜的一對(duì),碰巧生活在這么一個(gè)健忘的世界里面,就這么簡(jiǎn)單!)別忘記干笑兩聲,以表輕松。
Chandler: Sounds like a date to me.
sound like兩個(gè)意思,第一是自己不能確定的時(shí)候,第二是故作深沉,欲揚(yáng)先抑。各舉一個(gè)例子,你的同桌一邊聽著老師在上面講關(guān)于考試的事情,你一邊小聲嘀咕:”Sounds like this time it’s going to be a very serious game to play.”(聽上去,好像這次還弄得挺嚴(yán)肅的。)你的同桌不解:”what?”你一皺眉頭:”I mean the test.”(我是說這次考試)這次,同桌莞爾一笑:”Sounds like you’re getting a bit chicken!”(怎么,聽著你好像對(duì)考試有點(diǎn)沒底?。┳⒁饪矗阋掳嗔?,看到同事還沒有走,于是過去親切慰問一下:”Are you done? Come on!”(你工作做完了吧?走,我們一塊!)可是同事面露躊躇:”Ah, you just go ahead and I’m waiting for the call of the boss.”(這樣吧,你先走吧,我還要接一個(gè)老板的電話)說完之后,春風(fēng)撲面。你覺得奇怪:”Sounds like the prelude of a date or something, huh?”(我怎么聽著象是個(gè)約會(huì)的前奏似的?)看著你不懷好意的臉,同事:”You never know!”(這我可說不準(zhǔn)了)蘊(yùn)足少女的羞澀。你吐吐舌頭,先溜了吧。其他的情景,辯論之中,對(duì)方說:”That argument sounds reasonable.”(那個(gè)觀點(diǎn)聽上去蠻有道理的)聊天之中,你說道薪水問題時(shí)咬牙切齒,朋友若有所悟:”Sounds like salary is the big trouble.”(看來,你之所以不喜歡這個(gè)工作,是因?yàn)樾剿膯栴})
Time Lapse
Chandler: Alright, so I'm back in high school, I'm standing in the middle of the cafeteria, and I realize I am totally naked.
All: Oh, yeah. Had that dream.
Chandler: Then I look down, and I realize there's a phone... there.
Joey: Instead of...?
Chandler: That's right.
Joey: Never had that dream.
Phoebe: No.
Chandler: All of a sudden, the phone starts to ring. Now I don't know what to do, everybody starts looking at me. 
Monica: And they weren't looking at you before?!
Chandler: Finally, I figure I'd better answer it, and it turns out it's my mother, which is very-very weird, because- she never calls me!
Time Lapse, Ross has entered.
Ross: (mortified) Hi.
Ross說Hello的語調(diào)垂頭喪氣得好像It's the end of the world.讓人郁悶得不行,所以Joey調(diào)侃說This man says" hello", I would kill myself. 
I guess this section of conversation is open to various interpretations, as long as it makes you laugh, that's all, don't take it too seriously!----F6英語筆記
Joey: This guy says hello, I wanna kill myself.
I wanna kill myself .美國(guó)人說話的一個(gè)特點(diǎn)是夸張,當(dāng)你表示不相信,不滿意,不舒服等等,就說這句,比如你聽到明天要進(jìn)行考試,發(fā)現(xiàn)提款機(jī)提不出錢來,要走十公里才能到目的地,聽說女朋友有外遇等等。文眼是kill這個(gè)單詞,感覺上惡狠狠的,因?yàn)槭勤s盡殺絕的架勢(shì),比如,新聞報(bào)道中說,The Black Death was a disease that killed millions(黑死病是一種奪取過千百萬人生命的疾病),翻譯成“殺死“,廚師討論烹飪技藝得時(shí)候說Too much garlic killed the taste of the meat(太多的蒜破壞了肉的味道),表示”破壞“,在候機(jī)大廳橫豎無事,不如kill a few hours before the flight by sightseeing(在飛行前觀光消磨了幾個(gè)小時(shí)),就變成”消磨“之意。可見,只要是消極,消滅,阻止的概念,都可以采用kill ,簡(jiǎn)單有效。比如,試想我們平常的生活中 ,什么事情讓我們身心疲憊呢?Jimmy Breslin(吉米.布雷斯林)的說法是:”The trip to work, and the boredom and nervousness of jobs, kills men!”(上班的往返,工作的乏味和緊張的狀態(tài)使人筋疲力盡。)
Monica: Are you okay, sweetie?
Ross: I just feel like someone reached down my throat, grabbed my small intestine, pulled it out of my mouth and tied it around my neck... 這段話是不是很熟悉呀?對(duì),《大話西游》里面一開始孫猴子發(fā)狠就是這樣子講的哦,不知道是誰抄襲誰,意思不用我解釋了吧,這里Ross用來形容妻子Carol是Lesbian并同他離婚后的心情。
feel like 兩個(gè)意思,一 感覺好像 二 表示to have an inclination or desire for具有…的傾向或欲望
Chandler: Cookie?
美國(guó)人為了表示關(guān)系親密,或者為了拉近關(guān)系,都會(huì)直接稱呼first name,甚至還有更親近的詞cookie, honey, sweetie,等等,使用范圍包括戀人,家人,好友,不分男女
Monica: (explaining to the others) Carol moved her stuff out today. 
stuff指代名詞的萬能替代品,比如,你看到同事總是巴結(jié)上司,你很看不慣,和朋友說:I really hate that kind of stuff.(我對(duì)那種做法真的煩透了)假如你作為上級(jí)主管,看到一個(gè)總是遲到的員工辯解說因?yàn)閴毫μ蟮鹊?,你于是鐵面無私,打斷他說:Don’t give me that stuff about being tired.(不要對(duì)我說累了之類的話)
Joey: Ohh.
Monica: (to Ross) Let me get you some coffee.
Ross: Thanks.
Phoebe: Ooh! Oh! (She starts to pluck at the air just in front of Ross.)
Ross: No, no don't! Stop cleansing my aura! No, just leave my aura alone, okay?
aura :a distinctive atmosphere surrounding a given source, ex: <the place had an aura of mystery就是圍繞在人或物四周的一種氣> 
當(dāng)時(shí)的場(chǎng)景是Ross進(jìn)來跟大家訴說他的不幸婚姻,倒了霉運(yùn)的他周身象是鬼神附身一般。Phoebe 這人第一喜歡幫助人,第二她總是神叨叨的,大家還記得有一集里她看到一只貓,就說是她死去的媽嗎?于是Phoebe想幫Ross把霉運(yùn)趕走,PhD Ross自然是反對(duì)封建迷信的,就對(duì)Phoebe說,意思是你別煩我了,省省吧。Phoebe做的手勢(shì)是要把他的霉運(yùn)驅(qū)除。
Phoebe: Fine! Be murky!
Ross: I'll be fine, alright? Really, everyone. I hope she'll be very happy.
Monica: No you don't.
Ross: No I don't, to hell with her, she left me!
西方文化和基督教義關(guān)系密切,這一點(diǎn)體現(xiàn)在英語中,hell表示的總是一些類似的場(chǎng)景,比如War is hell.如果讓某人go to hell,那無異于一個(gè)詛咒,表示下地獄吧,見鬼去吧。比如你去競(jìng)選州長(zhǎng),無端收到恐嚇電話,現(xiàn)在你面對(duì)千萬公眾,站在大喇叭前面,義正詞嚴(yán):Someone wanted me to drop out of the campaign but I told him to GO TO HELL!(有人恐嚇我讓我退出競(jìng)選,不過我和他說見鬼去吧)于是振臂一呼,民眾沸騰。在日??谡Z里面,一般都是表示抱怨,比如說某人went through hell on the job(在工作中經(jīng)歷了重大痛苦),這里的hell就表示torment, anguish.再比如,The boss is hell when a job is poorly done.(每當(dāng)工作做得不好時(shí),那老板簡(jiǎn)直成了魔鬼),這里就直接用hell去形容一個(gè)人可怖的樣子,You should give the student hell for cheating.(你應(yīng)該狠狠地訓(xùn)斥作弊的學(xué)生),這里就變成了斥責(zé)的意思。更常見的是將hell作為語氣加強(qiáng)詞,比如How hell can I go?(我怎么能去呢),You did one hell of a job.(你的工作一塌糊涂),He ran like hell to catch the bus.(他瘋狂地追趕公共汽車相當(dāng)于大家學(xué)過的on earth,但是來得更加地道。記得從前有部電視劇叫做A Native of Beijing in New York《北京人在紐約》,開頭一段很精彩:”If you love him, send him to New York, for it’s heaven; if you hate him, send him to New York, for it’s hell.(如果你愛他,送他到紐約,因?yàn)槟抢锸翘焯?;如果你恨他,送他到紐約,因?yàn)槟抢锸堑鬲z。??That’s a hell of a smart saying!(說的太絕了!))”)
Joey: And you never knew she was a lesbian...
Ross: No!! Okay?! Why does everyone keep fixating on that? She didn't know, how should I know?
這句話很實(shí)用,意思是為什么你們總是提起那件事呢?因?yàn)镴oey又提到了Ross妻子Carol是lesbian的事兒,Ross非常惱火,于是冒出這樣一句,我們平常生活中也可以用一下。Remember: fixate on sth.
Chandler: Sometimes I wish I was a lesbian... (They all stare at him.) Did I say that out loud?
Wish 單詞短小,但用處無窮,表示a desire, longing, or strong inclination for a specific thing,我們講的許愿,但愿都是它。通常來講,wish表達(dá)的愿望是一種很難企及的目標(biāo),所以有點(diǎn)幻想色彩,后面一般會(huì)虛擬一下,比如文章里面Chandler表達(dá)的是一個(gè)不可能的愿望。你打電話過去,是答錄機(jī),于是你客氣地留言:You didn’t show up at the bar and I waited for hours. I felt so silly of myself. I wish I knew why.(昨晚在酒吧你沒來,我等了很久。我覺得自己很傻。我希望知道發(fā)生了什么。)-想起來了嗎?這是電影You’ve Got Mail網(wǎng)上情緣的對(duì)白
Ross: I told mom and dad last night, they seemed to take it pretty well.
take it口語里表示to endure abuse, criticism, or other harsh treatment,比如If you can dish it out, you’ve got to learn to take it.(如果你提出這個(gè)問題,你就要去承擔(dān)所有的結(jié)果)。你的roommate每天都聽heavy metal(重金屬搖滾),你實(shí)在忍無可忍,就說:”I just can’t take it anymore!”(我再也受不了了!)這句話用處很大,只要是你不喜歡的,都可以來一句,almost everything,不管是人,是事都可以。記得電影Waterloo Bridge《魂斷藍(lán)橋》里面,男主人公最后來找從前的戀人,追問朋友關(guān)于她的真相,那位從前也跳芭蕾的朋友一直問他:”Will you take it ?”意思是,如果我告訴你事實(shí)真相,你能鎮(zhèn)靜地應(yīng)付這一切問題嗎?這么說話一定是很嚴(yán)重了,就比如一個(gè)病人反復(fù)詢問醫(yī)生自己點(diǎn)病情,醫(yī)生問道:”If I tell you about it, can you take it?”(我可以告訴你,但是你要做好準(zhǔn)備),這就表示病情可能很嚴(yán)重了。有句話叫做take it or leave it,表示to accept or reject unconditionally(要么要,要么拒絕),是絕對(duì)的是非選擇,沒有第三條道路可以挑選。文章里面說的take it pretty well,表示聽到事情之后并不驚慌,而是很沉著,就比如你說:”The other day I told her about my getting married and she seemed to take it pretty cool.”(我那天和她的說起,我馬上要結(jié)婚了,她看上去還挺鎮(zhèn)定的),言語之中很有點(diǎn)灰溜溜的失落了。
Monica: Oh really, so that hysterical phone call I got from a woman at sobbing 3:00 A.M., "I'll never have grandchildren, I'll never have grandchildren." was what? A wrong number?
Ross: Sorry.
Joey: Alright Ross, look. You're feeling a lot of pain right now. You're angry. You're hurting. Can I tell you what the answer is?
(Ross gestures his consent.)
Joey: Strip joint! C'mon, you're single! Have some hormones!
"Strip joint"是脫衣舞場(chǎng)的意思,joint=place通常指不那么高雅的地方,Joey意思是Ross現(xiàn)在雖然很受傷,但是正好恢復(fù)單身,可以去脫衣舞場(chǎng)去, "have some hormones"直譯就是你要有一些男性荷爾蒙呀,翻譯過來就是你該去(脫衣舞場(chǎng))找樂子去。
Ross: I don't want to be single, okay? I just... I just- I just wanna be married again!
(Rachel enters in a wet wedding dress and starts to search the room.)
Chandler: And I just want a million dollars! (He extends his hand hopefully.)
Monica: Rachel?!
Rachel: Oh God Monica hi! Thank God! I just went to your building and you weren't there and then this guy with a big hammer said you might be here and you are, you are!
God這是一個(gè)宗教意義的詞,中文可翻譯為神,造物主,上帝,安拉,真主等。但Rachel在劇中的用法是作為一個(gè)感嘆詞。可能大多數(shù)人都會(huì)在感到意外,驚恐的時(shí)候會(huì)喊上一句”My God!” 但是真正虔誠(chéng)的宗教徒是比較忌諱拿”God, Jesus Christ”等詞來表達(dá)情緒的,所以非要用來表達(dá)一種特定情緒的時(shí)候,他們選擇說”man, boy, gosh”。類似的還有用shoot代替shit,用Gee, Jeez代替Jesus Christ.與God有關(guān)的語氣詞還有God knows(天曉得),比如說Rachel逃婚了,但她的未婚夫和親朋好友并不知情,他們?cè)诮烫玫却履锏牡絹?,卻遲遲不見Rachel的蹤影。終于有人忍無可忍的問了一句“Where the hell is she?“,這是Barry無奈的聳聳肩”God knows!”另外還有Thank God(謝天謝地),Rachel見到Monica的第一句話就是”Thank God”表示一種因困難已過而格外高興的心情。 
Waitress: Can I get you some coffee?
Monica: (pointing at Rachel) De-caff. (to All) Okay, everybody, this is Rachel, another Lincoln High survivor. (to Rachel) This is everybody, this is Chandler, and Phoebe, and Joey, and- you remember my brother Ross? 
Lincoln High 指Lincoln High School.能活著離開學(xué)校當(dāng)然是surviors了
Rachel: Hi, sure!
Ross: Hi. 
(They go to hug but Ross's umbrella opens. He sits back down defeated again. A moment of silence follows as Rachel sits and the others expect her to explain.)
Monica: So you wanna tell us now, or are we waiting for four wet bridesmaids?
再過一會(huì)兒就會(huì)有四個(gè)被淋濕的伴娘來找Rachel. Monica 拿這個(gè)來開玩笑。
Rachel: Oh God... well, it started about a half hour before the wedding. I was in the room where we were keeping all the presents, and I was looking at this gravy boat. This really gorgeous Lamauge gravy boat. When all of a sudden- (to the waitress that brought her coffee)Sweet 'n' Lo?- I realized that I was more turned on by this gravy boat than by Barry! And then I got really freaked out, and that's when it hit me: how much Barry looks like Mr. Potato Head. Y'know, I mean, I always knew looked familiar, but... Anyway, I just had to get out of there, and I started wondering 'Why am I doing this, and who am I doing this for?'. (to Monica) So anyway I just didn't know where to go, and I know that you and I have kinda drifted apart, but you're the only person I knew who lived here in the city.
gravy boat :An elongated, boat-shaped pitcher used to serve gravy. A gravy boat usually sits on a matching plate, which is used to catch gravy drips. Sometimes the plate is permanently attached to the pitcher. A matching ladle often accompanies a gravy boat. Also called sauce boat. 
中文字典上解釋為船行鹵肉盤,這里說的boat是一種有手柄的,用來盛gravy(澆在菜上調(diào)味用的肉汁)的船形盤。 Lamauge gravy boat lamauge應(yīng)該是牌子或生產(chǎn)地,是法國(guó)名牌餐具

Gorgeous用來贊美那些漂亮的東西, 比如說看到一個(gè)小寶寶”What a gorgeous baby!”, 男生形容女生漂亮也可以用這個(gè)詞,比beautiful和pretty還要再高一級(jí)
Mr. Potato Head
瑞秋和眾人談到了她逃婚的原因,她說這是因?yàn)樗蝗话l(fā)現(xiàn)她的未婚夫巴里醫(yī)生長(zhǎng)得活像“薯頭先生(Mr.Potato Head)”,這是在美國(guó)家喻戶曉的卡通人物。如果大家看過《玩具總動(dòng)員(Toy Story)》,就會(huì)在里面發(fā)現(xiàn)他和他的夫人“薯頭太太(Mrs.Potato Head)”嘰嘰歪歪,經(jīng)常批評(píng)這、批評(píng)那的形象。盡管“薯頭先生”很可愛,但卡通畢竟是卡通,如果你在乎未婚夫的容貌,而未婚夫又不幸長(zhǎng)得和“薯頭先生”一副嘴臉,你最好還是和瑞秋一樣趕緊逃婚。:-)
turn on 在美國(guó)如果不是指打開什么東西時(shí),一般都指引起人的性興奮。他們講這些很隨便,所以經(jīng)常出現(xiàn)。這里Rachel發(fā)現(xiàn)自己愛(turned on)結(jié)婚賀禮勝過愛自己的未婚夫,所以逃婚
freak out 很常用,就是嚇壞了
sweet'n'low 低脂糖,最有名的代糖品牌,英文中直接表示代糖
Hit 在文章中的用法既簡(jiǎn)單又形象,表示某人的腦子突然被一個(gè)事實(shí)或想法擊中,它就相當(dāng)于前面的realize。這是一個(gè)老美很喜歡用,但中國(guó)人不太會(huì)用的動(dòng)詞,通常指開始做某事。例如搖滾樂團(tuán)的主唱常會(huì)看看其他吉他手,鍵盤手,貝斯手準(zhǔn)備好了沒有,如果大家都準(zhǔn)備好了的話,他就會(huì)大喊一聲: “Let’s hit it.”=Let’s go. Let’s start.。再如去洗澡,大多數(shù)人說take a shower,如果你說hit a shower和老美一樣,那種層次立馬就不一樣。類似的用法還有像睡覺hit the bed,上路說hit the road.去電影院hit the movie theater,去酒吧hit the bar,甚至去學(xué)校hit the school,去紐約城hit New York city,主打歌hit song打入排行榜hit the billboard,還可以表示遇見某樣?xùn)|西,如hit the traffic light, hit the stop sign。再介紹兩個(gè)與之相關(guān)的短語:hit on sb. &hit it off. Hit on是當(dāng)作搭訕來解釋。電視劇里常有一個(gè)男的跑去跟一個(gè)陌生女孩多嗎說了兩句話,那個(gè)女生就說:”Are you hitting on me? ”(你現(xiàn)在是在跟我搭訕嗎?)而hit it off表示合得來,比如說He was introduced to a party woman and they seem to hit it off immediately.(給他介紹一位漂亮女子后,他們似乎就一見鐘情)。
Monica: Who wasn't invited to the wedding.
Rachel: Ooh, I was kinda hoping that wouldn't be an issue... Scene: Monica's Apartment, everyone is there and watching a Spanish Soap on TV and are trying to figure out what is going on.
這句的意思是“我希望這件事不是個(gè)問題”, hoping 就是希望, kinda是kind of的縮寫, 就是有一點(diǎn)的意思, 在很多話比如你問的這一舉里面是添加一點(diǎn)謙虛語氣的說法,有點(diǎn)那種“給我留些面子”的意思, 要多于到就會(huì)理解,另外,比如簡(jiǎn)單的意思:he's kinds cool. 他有點(diǎn)酷
Monica: Now I'm guessing that he bought her the big pipe organ, and she's really not happy about it. 
pipe organ 管風(fēng)琴
Chandler: (imitating the characters) Tuna or egg salad? Decide!
Ross: (in a deep voice) I'll have whatever Christine is having.
Rachel: (on phone) Daddy, I just... I can't marry him! I'm sorry. I just don't love him. Well, it matters to me! 
matter這個(gè)詞在口語中出現(xiàn)的頻率極高。做動(dòng)詞時(shí),意思是“有重要性“,to be of importance.文中it matters to me就是”這對(duì)我是重要的”。比如你和女友一起出去下雨了,你把唯一的一把傘讓給女友,其實(shí)就是想受女友的邀請(qǐng)?jiān)谝话褌阆?。以后回憶時(shí),妻子回味起來,說他別有用心,虛情假意,他可以這樣表白:”It doesn’t matter if it rained or not. What matters is I love you.”名詞的matter和中文的”問題”相對(duì)應(yīng)
(The scene on TV has changed to show two women, one is holding her hair.)
Phoebe: If I let go of my hair, my head will fall off. Chandler: (re TV) Ooh, she should not be wearing those pants. Joey: I say push her down the stairs. Phoebe, Ross, Chandler, and Joey: Push her down the stairs! Push her down the stairs! Push her down the stairs!
I say : 這個(gè)短語的語法功能相當(dāng)于一個(gè)語氣詞了。只是用來提醒別人自己將要發(fā)言,并沒有什么具體的含義。比如I say, do you have the time.(嗨,你有時(shí)間嗎?)不過語氣上客氣一點(diǎn)。另外經(jīng)常與say連用的口語習(xí)語是: You can say that again! 這句話用于表達(dá)“完全同意”,托福??剂?xí)語。
(She is pushed down the stairs and everyone cheers.)
Rachel: C'mon Daddy, listen to me! It's like, it's like, all of my life, everyone has always told me, 'You're a shoe! You're a shoe, you're a shoe, you're a shoe!'. And today I just stopped and I said, 'What if I don't wanna be a shoe? What if I wanna be a- a purse, y'know? Or a- or a hat! No, I'm not saying I want you to buy me a hat, I'm saying I am a ha- It's a metaphor, Daddy!
shoe 就是鞋子的意思。下文 "it's a metaphor",是個(gè)比喻!Rachel喜歡購(gòu)物嘛,所以把服飾比喻成人的理想,別人告訴rachel要成為一只鞋,rachel自己想做個(gè)"purse" 
shoe是指要成雙配對(duì)的生活,因?yàn)閟hoes是2只一起的,一只shoe永遠(yuǎn)需要另外一只 purse就是獨(dú)立的,自己可以生存的, 不需要配對(duì)的----F6英語筆記,但我覺得Rachel打比喻時(shí)沒想這么多
Ross: You can see where he'd have trouble.
這句話完整的應(yīng)該是You can see where he'd have trouble in catching your metaphor.
Apparently, we can tell that Rach's dad made fun of Rach's metaphor by saying "buy her a hat", and pretended that he didn't know what Rach was talking about. But what's even worse is that Rach didn't get her dad's little trick either.So she yelled at the phone that "It's a metaphor,Daddy!". Once she realized how rude and unladily she was just now, her eyes met with Ross's, which made Ross rather embarrassing. So he ended up saying that "You can see where he'd have trouble." That means "you can see misunderstanding your metaphor is where he'd have trouble to communicate with you smoothly.
Rachel: Look Daddy, it's my life. Well maybe I'll just stay here with Monica. 
Monica: Well, I guess we've established who's staying here with Monica...
Monica has no idea why Rachel said that. But she can't just abandon Rach at this critical time, so when her friends turned to her for a verification, she can't think of nothing to say except that: 
"Well, it seems to Rachel that I have already agreed on the whole moving in thing( that is established an agreement on her moving in), although I have nothing to do with it!!(Don't look at me in this weird way, guys!)"
Rachel: Well, maybe that's my decision. Well, maybe I don't need your money. Wait!! Wait, I said maybe!!
Time Lapse, Rachel is breating into a paper bag.
Monica: Just breathe, breathe.. that's it. Just try to think of nice calm things... Phoebe: (sings) Raindrops on roses and rabbits and kittens, (Rachel and Monica turn to look at her.) bluebells and sleighbells and- something with mittens... La la la la...something and noodles with string. These are a few...
源自電影音樂之聲The Sound of Music但是Phoebe唱的零零落落,不會(huì)的就用拉拉拉混過去
Rachel: I'm all better now.
Phoebe: (grins and walks to the kitchen and says to Chandler and Joey.) I helped!
Monica: Okay, look, this is probably for the best, y'know? Independence. Taking control of your life. The whole, 'hat' thing.
Joey: (comforting her) And hey, you need anything, you can always come to Joey. Me and Chandler live across the hall. And he's away a lot.
Monica: Joey, stop hitting on her! It's her wedding day!
號(hào)稱情圣的Joey也跑來向Rachel表示:"嗨,如果你需要什么盡管來找我好了。" 實(shí)際上Joey和另一個(gè)"老友" Chandler就住在Monica的對(duì)門:Me and Chandler live right across the hall. 按語法講,Joey應(yīng)該說 Chandler and I…但在口語中用me也是可以接受的,而且Joey為了突出自己而把Me放到了Chandler前面,然后還很曖昧地加了一句"他經(jīng)常不在家 (And he’s away lot)"。 
Monica很了解Joey, 教訓(xùn)他說:"你別挑逗她了 (stop hitting on her),今天可是她的結(jié)婚之日。" 在上一篇當(dāng)中我們也講到過hit這個(gè)字,它可以用來表示realize, 而這里的hit on someone 的意思是"和某人調(diào)情,或挑逗某人", 相當(dāng)于flirt with someone, 其它類似的表達(dá)法還有:to make a pass at someone和 to come on to someone, 例如: 
"Did you see the way Brian came on to Sally at the office party?" 
"Oh, Brian has made a pass at every girl in the office." 
"I know, but he hit on Sally particularly hard." 
到底是情圣啊! 最后Joey臉不紅心不跳地回了一句:"怎么啦?難道還有什么明文規(guī)定不成?(What, like there's a rule or something?)。" 

Hit on sb. /come on to sb./pass at sb./crash on sb.與flirt with sb.是有區(qū)別的。前者指的是對(duì)某人有意思,有好感(情感上或“生理”上),不一定(只是不一定要付諸行動(dòng),即“被某人所吸引”,而后者則應(yīng)包括付諸行動(dòng),比如我們常說的“上前搭訕,引人注意,挑逗,調(diào)情”。當(dāng)然具體到實(shí)際生活中兩種情況有可能交叉,比如上文中翻譯的“你別挑逗她了 ”就包含了這兩種意思,非常準(zhǔn)確。 
另外What, like there's a rule or something?似乎該理解為:難道有什么規(guī)定(在這種情況下禁止我追求她)么? 
have the hots for someone 
be stuck on someone 
have one's cap set for someone 
fall for
Joey: What, like there's a rule or something?
(The door buzzer sounds and Chandler gets it.)
Chandler: Please don't do that again, it's a horrible sound.
Paul: (over the intercom) It's, uh, it's Paul.
Monica: Oh God, is it 6:30? Buzz him in!
Buzz him in buzz就是按樓洞防盜門時(shí)發(fā)出的聲音,這樣用法又簡(jiǎn)單,又形象
Joey: Who's Paul?
Ross: Paul the Wine Guy, Paul?
Monica: Maybe. Joey: Wait. Your 'not a real date' tonight is with Paul the Wine Guy?
Ross: He finally asked you out?
Monica: Yes!
Chandler: Ooh, this is a Dear Diary moment.
西方人寫日記一開頭總愛寫Dear Diary,...... 
Dear Diary moment也許是講這個(gè)時(shí)刻不同尋常,有重要意義,值得寫進(jìn)日記的意思吧 
Monica: Rach, wait, I can cancel...
Rachel: Please, no, go, that'd be fine!
Monica: (to Ross) Are, are you okay? I mean, do you want me to stay?
Ross: (choked voice) That'd be good...
Monica: (horrified) Really?
Ross: (normal voice) No, go on! It's Paul the Wine Guy!
Phoebe: What does that mean? Does he sell it, drink it, or just complain a lot? (Chandler doesn't know.)
(There's a knock on the door and it's Paul.)
Monica: Hi, come in! Paul, this is.. (They are all lined up next to the door.)... everybody, everybody, this is Paul.
All: Hey! Paul! Hi! The Wine Guy! Hey!
Chandler: I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name. Paul, was it?
catch If you catch something someone has said, you manage to hear it.
Monica: Okay, umm-umm, I'll just--I'll be right back, I just gotta go ah, go ah...
Ross: A wandering?
Monica: Change! Okay, sit down. (Shows Paul in) Two seconds.
Change 換衣服,TOEFL普林斯頓樣題1第22題
I’m taking my roommate out for her birthday tonight, you know, to that fancy new restaurant.
You can’t go like that, You’d better change.這里的Change就是換衣服的意思。
Phoebe: Ooh, I just pulled out four eyelashes. That can't be good.
(Monica goes to change.)
Joey: Hey, Paul!
Paul: Yeah?
Joey: Here's a little tip, she really likes it when you rub her neck in the same spot over and over and over again until it starts to get a little red.
我給你一點(diǎn)小建議, 她真得喜歡有人在她的脖子上面一個(gè)地方反復(fù)反復(fù)再反復(fù)的擦直到有一點(diǎn)紅。tip是建議, 還可以用suggestion, hint等, suggestion正式, hint跟tip都比較隨意, tip 還有小費(fèi)的意思, 名詞和動(dòng)詞tip me some tip就是說我回答你的問題你可以給我一點(diǎn)消費(fèi), tip最基本的意思就是什么東西的尖兒了, finger tip指尖
Monica: (yelling from the bedroom) Shut up, Joey!
shut up就是住嘴的意思,但不是不友好。記得公主日記么?princess mia和她的Queen grandma說這詞的時(shí)候來自歐洲的grandma驚呆了,這時(shí)候有人解釋在美國(guó)shut up并不是不禮貌。僅僅是be quiet.
Ross: So Rachel, what're you, uh... what're you up to tonight?
Rachel: Well, I was kinda supposed to be headed for Aruba on my honeymoon, so nothing!
Ross: Right, you're not even getting your honeymoon, God.. No, no, although, Aruba, this time of year... talk about your- (thinks) -big lizards... Anyway, if you don't feel like being alone tonight, Joey and Chandler are coming over to help me put together my new furniture.
Rachel說度蜜月到Aruba,為什么Ross提到 Big lizards 
當(dāng)Rach提到本想去Aruba時(shí),Ross原本想說Rach不能去渡蜜月是太遺憾了,但突然意識(shí)到不應(yīng)該說這些,急忙改口找些其他話題而提到Big lizards,并不是Ross對(duì)生物感興趣。我認(rèn)為到底Aruba有沒有Big lizards無關(guān)緊要,只是Ross轉(zhuǎn)換話題的一個(gè)借口而已
Chandler: (deadpan) Yes, and we're very excited about it. 
Rachel: Well actually thanks, but I think I'm just gonna hang out here tonight. It's been kinda a long day.
hang out here,呆在這 
朋友之間相處,象FRIENDS他們一起喝咖啡,在MON家聊天之類的,都是hang out 
it' been kinda a long day,完成時(shí)態(tài),因?yàn)镽ACH又逃婚,有被老爸罵,這一天過得很痛苦,所以也就很漫長(zhǎng)。
Ross: Okay, sure.
Joey: Hey Pheebs, you wanna help?
Phoebe: Oh, I wish I could, but I don't want to.
如果你想禮貌的拒絕別人的邀請(qǐng),就可以用I wish I could, but+借口(如Ihave to study),可千萬別學(xué)Phoebe這么誠(chéng)實(shí)的說I don't want to
Commercial Break
Scene: The Subway, Phoebe is singing for change.
Phoebe: (singing) Love is sweet as summer showers, love is a wondrous work of art, but your love oh your love, your love...is like a giant pigeon...crapping on my heart. La-la-la-la-la- (some guy gives her some change and to that guy) Thank you. (sings) La-la-la-la...ohhh!
Scene: Ross's Apartment, the guys are there assembling furniture.
Ross: (squatting and reading the instructions) I'm supposed to attach a brackety thing to the side things, using a bunch of these little worm guys. I have no brackety thing, I see no whim guys whatsoever and- I cannot feel my legs.
brackety thing,whim guy,worm guy 
bracket thing是組裝家具的支架之類的東西 
worm guy是指代螺絲釘,因?yàn)槁萁z釘上的紋路與worm很相似
(Joey and Chandler are finishing assembling the bookcase.)
Joey: I'm thinking we've got a bookcase here.
Chandler: It's a beautiful thing.
Joey: (picking up a leftover part) What's this?
Chandler: I would have to say that is an 'L'-shaped bracket.
Joey: Which goes where?
Chandler: I have no idea.
(Joey checks that Ross is not looking and dumps it in a plant.)
Joey: Done with the bookcase!
Chandler: All finished!
Ross: (clutching a beer can and sniffing) This was Carol's favorite beer. She always drank it out of the can, I should have known.
out of是說從易拉罐里喝吧,沒什么特別的
Joey: Hey-hey-hey-hey, if you're gonna start with that stuff we're outta here.
Chandler: Yes, please don't spoil all this fun.
Joey: Ross, let me ask you a question. She got the furniture, the stereo, the good TV- what did you get?
Ross: You guys.
Chandler: Oh, God.
Joey: You got screwed.
Chandler: Oh my God!
Scene: A Restaurant, Monica and Paul are eating.
Monica: Oh my God!
Paul: I know, I know, I'm such an idiot. I guess I should have caught on when she started going to the dentist four and five times a week. I mean, how clean can teeth get?
Monica: My brother's going through that right now, he's such a mess. How did you get through it?
He’s a mess.他很慘
Paul: Well, you might try accidentally breaking something valuable of hers, say her-
Monica: -leg?
Paul: (laughing) That's one way! Me, I- I went for the watch.
Monica: You actually broke her watch? Wow! The worst thing I ever did was, I-I shredded by boyfriend's favorite bath towel.
Paul: Ooh, steer clear of you.
Pual:Ooh,steer chear of you.那可不能惹你呀
Monica: That's right. 
Scene: Monica's Apartment, Rachel is talking on the phone and pacing.
Rachel: Barry, I'm sorry... I am so sorry... I know you probably think that this is all about what I said the other day about you making love with your socks on, but it isn't... it isn't, it's about me, and I ju- (She stops talking and dials the phone.) Hi, machine cut me off again... anyway...look, look, I know that some girl is going to be incredibly lucky to become Mrs. Barry Finkel, but it isn't me, it's not me. And not that I have any idea who me is right now, but you just have to give me a chance too... (The maching cuts her off again and she redials.)
machine指的是answer machine,cut off 指故意斷線
Scene: Ross's Apartment; Ross is pacing while Joey and Chandler are working on some more furniture.
Ross: I'm divorced! I'm only 26 and I'm divorced!
Joey: Shut up!
Chandler: You must stop! (Chandler hits what he is working on with a hammer and it collapses.)
Ross: That only took me an hour.
此處only反到是強(qiáng)調(diào)多,托福聽力中曾經(jīng)出現(xiàn)過Only every spare minute!("只不過"每一分鐘的自由時(shí)間而已。)
Chandler: Look, Ross, you gotta understand, between us we haven't had a relationship that has lasted longer than a Mento. You, however have had the love of a woman for four years. Four years of closeness and sharing at the end of which she ripped your heart out, and that is why we don't do it! I don't think that was my point!
Mento是曼妥思糖(Mentos)的簡(jiǎn)稱。在錢德勒和喬伊安慰離婚的羅斯時(shí),錢德勒說他和喬伊與女孩的關(guān)系從來沒有“長(zhǎng)過嚼一顆曼妥思糖的時(shí)間(lasted longer than a Mento)”;以勸慰羅斯放開一點(diǎn)。
Ross: You know what the scariest part is? What if there's only one woman for everybody, y'know? I mean what if you get one woman- and that's it? Unfortunately in my case, there was only one woman- for her...
Joey: What are you talking about? 'One woman'? That's like saying there's only one flavor of ice cream for you. Lemme tell you something, Ross. There's lots of flavors out there. There's Rocky Road, and Cookie Dough, and Bing! Cherry Vanilla. You could get 'em with Jimmies, or nuts, or whipped cream! This is the best thing that ever happened to you! You got married, you were, like, what, eight? Welcome back to the world! Grab a spoon!
There's Rocky Road, and Cookie Dough, and Bing! Cherry Vanilla. You could get 'em with Jimmies, or nuts, or whipped cream! 
jimmies是一種經(jīng)常撒在ice cream上的巧克力味的小糖果棒。bing就是一個(gè)擬聲詞。
Ross: I honestly don't know if I'm hungry or horny.
Chandler: Stay out of my freezer! Scene: A Restaurant, Monica and Paul are still eating.
Paul: Ever since she walked out on me, I, uh...
walked out on對(duì)家人的遺棄的意思
Monica: What?..... What, you wanna spell it out with noodles?
Paul: No, it's, it's more of a fifth date kinda revelation.
Monica: Oh, so there is gonna be a fifth date?
Paul: Isn't there?
Monica: Yeah... yeah, I think there is. -What were you gonna say?
Paul: Well, ever-ev-... ever since she left me, um, I haven't been able to, uh, perform. (Monica takes a sip of her drink.) ...Sexually. 
Monica: (spitting out her drink in shock) Oh God, oh God, I am sorry... I am so sorry...
Paul: It's okay...
Monica: I know being spit on is probably not what you need right now. Um... how long?
spit on 吐在身上
Paul: Two years.
Monica: Wow! I'm-I'm-I'm glad you smashed her watch! 
smash 砸爛
Paul: So you still think you, um... might want that fifth date?
Monica: (pause)...Yeah. Yeah, I do.
Scene: Monica's Apartment, Rachel is watching Joanne Loves Chaci.
Priest on TV: We are gathered here today to join Joanne Louise Cunningham and Charles, Chachi-Chachi-Chachi, Arcola in the bound of holy matrimony.
in bound of holy matrimony,就是結(jié)為夫婦,在神圣婚姻的約束,范圍內(nèi)
Rachel: Oh...see... but Joanne loved Chachi! That's the difference!
What Rachel said is funny is because Rachel here was sarcastic about her running away from altar. She was deeply moved by the true love between Joanne and Chachi which leads to a successful holy matrimony, while she and Barry had almost everything but love and that results in her disappointment in their matrimony. So she felt right to have escaped from a doomed marriage with a person she would never love.
Scene: Ross's Apartment, they're all sitting around and talking.
Ross: (scornful) Grab a spoon. Do you know how long it's been since I've grabbed a spoon? Do the words 'Billy, don't be a hero' mean anything to you? 
Billy,Don't Be A Hero是一首70年代的老歌,描寫的是越戰(zhàn)中,一個(gè)女孩希望自己的fiance Billy平安歸來,歌中有一句詞說:“比利,不要成為一個(gè)英雄(Billy,don't be a hero)?;貋?,讓我成為你的妻子。但最后Billy還是在戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)中失去了他年青的生命.’在劇中,喬伊勸告羅斯忘記前妻卡羅爾,再找新的女友,羅斯非常不滿,他反問喬伊:那“比利,不要成為一個(gè)英雄”這個(gè)故事對(duì)你有何啟發(fā)?這里羅斯把找新女友比喻成上戰(zhàn)場(chǎng)。
Joey: Great story! But, I uh, I gotta go, I got a date with Andrea--Angela--Andrea... Oh man, (looks to Chandler)
Chandler: Angela's the screamer, Andrea has cats.
Joey: Right. Thanks. It's June. I'm outta here. (Exits.)
Ross: Y'know, here's the thing. Even if I could get it together enough to- to ask a woman out,... who am I gonna ask? (He gazes out of the window.)
Cut to Rachel staring out of her window.
Commercial Break
Scene: Monica's Apartment, Rachel is making coffee for Joey and Chandler.
Rachel: Isn't this amazing? I mean, I have never made coffee before in my entire life.
Chandler: That is amazing.
Joey: Congratulations. 
Rachel: Y'know, I figure if I can make coffee, there isn't anything I can't do.
Chandler: If can invade Poland, there isn't anything I can't do.
Rachel previously said if she could make coffee on her own, there wasn't anything she couldn't do. 
Chandler is a person of sarcasm, he just quoted what Rachel said to be ironic. 
Moreover, Hitler invaded Poland with the intent of conquering the whole world. The metaphor used here makes the line much funnier.
Joey: Listen, while you're on a roll, if you feel like you gotta make like a Western omelet or something... (Joey and Chandler taste the coffee, grimace, and pour it into a plant pot.) Although actually I'm really not that hungry...
on a roll: undergoing or experiencing sustained, even increasing good fortune or success (手風(fēng)較順) 
另外這個(gè)western omelet(西式煎蛋)很棒,是用火腿片、切碎的青椒、洋蔥片撒在攤開的蛋上,用平底鍋放在小火上烤出來的,我還喜歡在蛋里撒些cheese絲兒,哈哈,不能說了,我開始滴口水了。
Monica: (entering, to herself) Oh good, Lenny and Squigy are here.
All: Morning. Good morning.
Paul: (entering from Monica's room) Morning.
Joey: Morning, Paul.
Rachel: Hello, Paul.
Chandler: Hi, Paul, is it?
(Monica and Paul walk to the door and talk in a low voice so the others can't hear. The others move Monica's table closer to the door so that they can.)
Paul: Thank you! Thank you so much!
Monica: Stop!
Paul: No, I'm telling you last night was like umm, all my birthdays, both graduations, plus the barn raising scene in Witness.
Barn raising scene in Witness
Monica: We'll talk later.
Paul: Yeah. (They kiss) Thank you. (Exits)
Joey: That wasn't a real date?! What the hell do you do on a real date?
Monica: Shut up, and put my table back.
All: Okayyy! (They do so.)
Chandler: All right, kids, I gotta get to work. If I don't input those numbers,... it doesn't make much of a difference... 
Rachel: So, like, you guys all have jobs?
Monica: Yeah, we all have jobs. See, that's how we buy stuff.
Joey: Yeah, I'm an actor.
Rachel: Wow! Would I have seen you in anything?
Joey: I doubt it. Mostly regional work.
regional work 他指范圍比較小的表演,也不會(huì)上電視什么的
Monica: Oh wait, wait, unless you happened to catch the Reruns' production of Pinocchio, at the little theater in the park.
Joey: Look, it was a job all right?
Chandler: 'Look, Gippetto, I'm a real live boy.'
Joey: I will not take this abuse. (Walks to the door and opens it to leave.)
I will not take this abuse.我不能容忍你這樣羞辱我
Chandler: You're right, I'm sorry. (Burst into song and dances out of the door.) "Once I was a wooden boy, a little wooden boy..."
Joey: You should both know, that he's a dead man. Oh, Chandler? (Starts after Chandler.) 
Monica: So how you doing today? Did you sleep okay? Talk to Barry? I can't stop smiling.
Rachel: I can see that. You look like you slept with a hanger in your mouth.
因?yàn)閙onica笑個(gè)不停,和不上嘴,rachel就說她好像嘴里有一個(gè)衣架把嘴撐住了, hanger是衣架
Monica: I know, he's just so, so... Do you remember you and Tony DeMarco?
Rachel: Oh, yeah.
Monica: Well, it's like that. With feelings.
Rachel: Oh wow. Are you in trouble.
Monica: Big time!
Rachel: Want a wedding dress? Hardly used.
Monica: I think we are getting a little ahead of selves here. Okay. Okay. I am just going to get up, go to work and not think about him all day. Or else I'm just gonna get up and go to work.
I think we are getting a little ahead of selves here我想我們現(xiàn)在討論這個(gè)(婚紗的問題)有點(diǎn)太早了
Rachel: Oh, look, wish me luck!
Monica: What for?
Rachel: I'm gonna go get one of those (Thinks) job things.
(Monica exits.) 
Scene: Iridium, Monica is working as Frannie enters. 
Frannie: Hey, Monica! 
Monica: Hey Frannie, welcome back! How was Florida? 
Frannie: You had sex, didn't you? 
Monica: How do you do that?
Frannie: Oh, I hate you, I'm pushing my Aunt Roz through Parrot Jungle and you're having sex! So? Who? 
I'm pushing my Aunt Roz through Parrot Jungle 
就是字面上的意思,上文不是說Frannie剛?cè)チ薋lorida嗎,可以理解為“你真討厭,當(dāng)我死命的把Aunt Roz 推出鸚鵡叢林的時(shí)候,你卻在和別人having sex!”
Monica: You know Paul? 
Frannie: Paul the Wine Guy? Oh yeah, I know Paul. 
Monica: You mean you know Paul like I know Paul? 
Frannie: Are you kidding? I take credit for Paul. Y'know before me, there was no snap in his turtle for two years. 
I take credit for Paul. 我給Paul打保票
The "snap in his turtle" refers to sexual performance, it's kind of a "clean" way of saying a vulgar idea (also known as a euphemism). A man who has no snap in his turtle is impotent; or, unable to have an erection. 
I do have an idea on how it was created. "Snap," of course, has many meanings, but most of them have to do with making a quick, sudden movement (or sound), often of a closing or biting nature. In North America, there is an animal known as a "snapping turtle," which is a type of turtle that is known to bite (or "snap") humans and other animals. From what I have heard, if one of those things bites you, it hurts a lot. Now, if one of these turtles can't snap, then there's not so much to fear--if they can't bite you, they can't hurt you. A snapping turtle with no (abilty to) snap, then, is powerless, and from there the slang was created. The word "impotent," aside from its sexual definition, also means "without power." 
In the case of "Friends," they decided to use the word "turtle" in this way, and so a turtle without "snap" is understood by Franny and Monica to mean a man without (sexual) power or capability.
Scene: Central Perk, everyone but Rachel is there.
Joey: (sitting on the arm of the couch)Of course it was a line! 
line: 謊言。老美最討厭的就是liar。 

@_@,謝謝細(xì)心的ttjzh。I am with you there! 
Line一詞也可作為俚語解釋,字意為:“one's usual way of talking, esp when being persuasive or self-aggrandizing”,這不正是"the wine guy" Paul的狐貍真面目(as ross said, to get women to go to bed by acting patheticly)? 
關(guān)于of course it's a line 的補(bǔ)充 
A line is a phrase tend to say to several people. It's a phrase designed to get what they want. Sometimes people have a line they use to get girls and it's called a "pick-up line." people also have lines they might use if they are businessmen and want you to buy something. it's not always a lie but it's almost always some exaggeration. 
sudan1974 的回答: 
About LINE 
今天讀Erich Segal的小說Man, Woman and Child外研社’88年版時(shí),在119頁遇到這個(gè)詞在相同情形下的用法。 
In a restaurant 
Gavin: … And I hope you’ll accept my invitation for nightcap, without any superfluous qualms. 
Sheila: No, really, I can’t. My friends are expecting me. 
Gavin: The Hotel is midway between there and here. 
His Hotel. What a line! Did he ever actually succeed with it? Of course he did. …… (Sheila) 
注釋為:What a line! 手法真不高明!line指為達(dá)到某種目的而采取的手段或花言巧語。 可以參考。---------F6英語筆記中大家的討論,可以看出專家級(jí)的人物討論的就是深入,我看到這都沒想這么多
Monica: Why?! Why? Why, why would anybody do something like that? 
Ross: I assume we're looking for an answer more sophisticated than 'to get you into bed'. 
Monica: I hate men! I hate men!
Phoebe: Oh no, don't hate, you don't want to put that out into the universe.
Monica: Is it me? Is it like I have some sort of beacon that only dogs and men with severe emotional problems can hear? 
beacon 信號(hào)
Phoebe: All right, c'mere, gimme your feet. (She starts massaging them.) 
Monica: I just thought he was nice, y'know? 
Joey: (bursts out laughing again) I can't believe you didn't know it was a line! 
(Monica pushes him off of the sofa as Rachel enters with a shopping bag.) 
Rachel: Guess what? 
Ross: You got a job? 
Rachel: Are you kidding? I'm trained for nothing! I was laughed out of twelve interviews today. 
Chandler: And yet you're surprisingly upbeat. 
upbeat =cheerful and full of hope
Rachel: You would be too if you found John and David boots on sale, fifty percent off! 
Chandler: Oh, how well you know me... 
Rachel: They're my new 'I don't need a job, I don't need my parents, I've got great boots' boots! 
Monica: How'd you pay for them? 
Rachel: Uh, credit card. 
Monica: And who pays for that? 
Rachel: Um... my... father. 
Scene: Monica and Rachel's, everyone is sitting around the kitchen table. Rachel's credit cards are spread out on the table along with a pair of scissors.
Rachel: Oh God, come on you guys, is this really necessary? I mean, I can stop charging anytime I want. 
Monica: C'mon, you can't live off your parents your whole life.
live off依賴別人的錢物生活 
Rachel: I know that. That's why I was getting married. 
Phoebe: Give her a break, it's hard being on your own for the first time. 
Rachel: Thank you. 
Phoebe: You're welcome. I remember when I first came to this city. I was fourteen. My mom had just killed herself and my step-dad was back in prison, and I got here, and I didn't know anybody. And I ended up living with this albino guy who was, like, cleaning windshields outside port authority, and then he killed himself, and then I found aromatherapy. So believe me, I know exactly how you feel. 
Ross: The word you're looking for is 'Anyway'... 
Monica: All right, you ready?
Rachel: No. No, no, I'm not ready! How can I be ready? "Hey, Rach! You ready to jump out the airplane without your parachute?" Come on, I can't do this!
Monica: You can, I know you can! 
Rachel: I don't think so.
Ross: Come on, you made coffee! You can do anything! (Chandler slowly tries to hide the now dead plant from that morning when he and Joey poured their coffee into it.)
Ross: C'mon, cut. Cut, cut, cut,... 
All: Cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut... (She cuts one of them and they cheer.)
Rachel: Y'know what? I think we can just leave it at that. It's kinda like a symbolic gesture...
Monica: Rachel! That was a library card! 
All: Cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut..
Chandler: (as Rachel is cutting up her cards) Y'know, if you listen closely, you can hear a thousand retailers scream. 
(She finishes cutting them up and they all cheer.)
Monica: Welcome to the real world! It sucks. You're gonna love it! 
suck 這個(gè)詞原來是“吸,吮吸,吸食”的意思,但今天流行的意思是和他的本已風(fēng)馬牛不相及。凡是一個(gè)人對(duì)現(xiàn)狀不滿,或是抱怨一個(gè)人,一件事都可以用該詞表示。并同時(shí)含有“真壞,真遭,真不幸,真惡心,真可惡,真愚蠢”
Time Lapse, Rachel and Ross are watching a TV channel finishes it's broadcast day by playing the national anthem. 
Monica: Well, that's it (To Ross) You gonna crash out the couch? 
crash out非常勞累或醉酒而睡
Ross: No. No, I gotta go home sometime. 
Monica: You be okay? 
Ross: Yeah. 
Rachel: Hey Mon, look what I just found on the floor. (Monica smiles.) What? 
Monica: That's Paul's watch. You just put it back where you found it. Oh boy. Alright. Goodnight, everybody. 
Ross and Rachel: Goodnight.
(Monica stomps on Paul's watch and goes into her room.)
Ross: Mmm. (They both reach for the last cookie) Oh, no- 
Rachel: Sorry- 
Ross: No no no, go- 
Rachel: No, you have it, really, I don't want it- 
Ross: Split it? 
Rachel: Okay. 
Ross: Okay. (They split it.) You know you probably didn't know this, but back in high school, I had a, um, major crush on you. 
老外說喜歡一個(gè)人經(jīng)常用的就是have a crush on sb.這里Ross用了major可見喜歡程度不小,可不,兩人的10年的戀情從這里就開始了
Rachel: I knew. 
Ross: You did! Oh.... I always figured you just thought I was Monica's geeky older brother. 
Rachel: I did. 
Ross: Oh. Listen, do you think- and try not to let my intense vulnerability become any kind of a factor here- but do you think it would be okay if I asked you out? Sometime? Maybe? 
try not to let my intense vulnerability become any kind of a factor here不要考慮會(huì)傷害到我
Rachel: Yeah, maybe... 
Ross: Okay... okay, maybe I will... 
Rachel: Goodnight. 
Ross: Goodnight. 
(Rachel goes into her room and Monica enters the living room as Ross is leaving.) 
Monica: See ya.... Waitwait, what's with you? 
Ross: I just grabbed a spoon. (Ross exits and Monica has no idea what that means.) 
Ross:I just grabbed a spoon.因?yàn)閖oey把女人比喻成冰激凌嘛,他讓ross拿起勺子去嘗冰激淋,就是比喻他去找新目標(biāo)了
Closing Credits
Scene: Central Perk, everyone is there. 
Joey: I can't believe what I'm hearing here. 
Phoebe: (sings) I can't believe what I'm hearing here... 
Monica: What? I-I said you had a- 
Phoebe: (sings) What I said you had... 
Monica: (to Phoebe) Would you stop? 
Phoebe: Oh, was I doing it again?
All: Yes!
Monica: I said that you had a nice butt, it's just not a great butt.
Joey: Oh, you wouldn't know a great butt if it came up and bit ya.
Ross: There's an image. 
There's an image。 butt是屁股,ross諷刺joey,說他比喻的形象
Rachel: (walks up with a pot of coffee) Would anybody like more coffee? 
Chandler: Did you make it, or are you just serving it? 
Rachel: I'm just serving it. 
All: Yeah. Yeah, I'll have a cup of coffee. 
Chandler: Kids, new dream... I'm in Las Vegas. (Rachel sits down to hear Chandler's dream.)
I'm in Las Vegas... I'm Liza Minelli- 
Liza Minelli--- A famous singer used to be a duet-mate of Pavarotti.錢德勒再次提到他做的夢(mèng),他夢(mèng)見自己是“麗莎•米內(nèi)利(Liza Minelli)”。麗莎是名演員、曾主演《綠野仙蹤》的裘迪•迦倫的女兒,本人也于1 9 7 3年因?yàn)樵凇缎【起^(Cabaret)》一片中的精彩演出而獲得奧斯卡最佳女主角獎(jiǎng)。
Customer: (To Rachel) Ahh, miss? More coffee? 
Rachel: Ugh. (To another customer that's leaving.) Excuse me, could you give this to that guy over there? (Hands him the coffee pot.) Go ahead. (He does so.) Thank you. (To the gang.) Sorry. Okay, Las Vegas.
Chandler: Okay, so, I'm in Las Vegas... I'm Liza Minelli- 

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