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小編:環(huán)球教育 940

  1.Describe a present you have given to others. Explain why you think it is important.

  The present I’d like to describe is a book about keeping a healthy life, which I sent to my mum as a birthday gift. It’s significant for a couple of reason. For one thing, the book may help my mum improve her health condition by giving some useful suggestions on her diet. It contains the introduction of various food and their nutrients. Also the book shows how to develop a healthy diet in an accessible way. Moreover, the part about regular excises brings benefits to my mum’s health as well. The book recommends some simple excises that are not physical demanding but effective, so it’s a wonder gift for my mum.

  2.Which of the following brings you more pleasure—spending time with your friends, studying by yourself or doing exercising? Explain why. Please include reasons and details in your explanation.

  I’m most happy when I’m with my family and friends. There is just nothing like laughing and sharing and enjoying your time with people that you love! That close human interaction is priceless. Now, don’t get me wrong, I appreciate my alone time. I can be a little hermit, shut away in my bedroom. Nice breaks all to myself, where I read or write, are great. But soon enough I start to yearn to hang out with a friend or spend the afternoon with a family member. My relationships ground me. When I’m content with them, I feel like I can face anything in the world. And if I’m feeling sad, giggling over silly movies with a friend or relative is the best cure I know of.

  3.What measures can you suggest to help improve campus environment?

  I would recommend making sure thecampus is more inclusive to students with different viewpoints and ways oflife. In a changing world such as ours we have to make sure that every studentfeels safe on campus, without fear of judgment or ostracism. Additionally, I'drecommend a more thorough clean-up of trash that's scattered around the campus,or at the very least an awareness campaign that points out to students thatthey are ones suffering when they throw candy wrappers on the floor instead ofin the trash bin. With these two simple measures we could make campus a betterplace to be for both teachers and students.

  4.Which period do you think is the most difficult one in people’s life? Childhood, adolescence or adulthood?

  I think adulthood is the most difficult one. This is because those in mature adulthood have already raised families or established themselves in their work life and become contributors to society. By the end of the day, as a young parent and working man or woman, he or she can get cranky, especially, if one of their parents is in hospital. I mean, their days can be pretty well filled and they may even suffer from sleep deprivation and have to use coffee to get energy. Of course, as a child or a teenager, you do have your own difficulties, you may be confused about the world and the meaning of life, but you do not have any pressure or responsibilities from your family or the society, so I think adulthood is the most difficult period.

  5.Talk about one activity you will do in the near future. Explain why you want to do this activity.

  An activity I would like to participate in is volunteer teaching. My friend David did it last week and he told me how great it was. They went to a small, under-developed village that’s far from the city. David was assigned to teach them English. He taught them some basic greeting skills which they thought was fun. During class breaks, they gathered outside to play sports. Some kicked around a soccer ball, some played badminton and some played Ping-Pong. Everyone had a good time. Before they left, we made some donations to the school. People donated money, books and school supplies. I would to join them next time.


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