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小編:Hosea 730

  Part 2&3考題總結(jié)


  Describe someone who is a good parent

  Describe a business leader that you admire

  Describe someone who is knowledgeable.

  Describe an interesting person from another country.

  Describe a sport person you know 新

  Describe a popular person.新


  Describe an interesting place that few people know.

  Describe a public park or garden.

  Describe a dream home you like to live in.

  Describe a leisure facility (cinema theater sports  center) would like to have in your hometown.

  Describe a place you listen to music.

  A place in your city or town you like to go 新

  Describe a city you like to live or work 新

  A country you prefer to live in 新

  A public place that needs to be improved 新

  Describe a place you wanna go with your friends 新

  A famous river/lake/water place in your country 新

  A public garden you visited when you were a child 新


  Describe an occasion you helped someone.

  Describe an achievement that you are proud of.

  Describe a happy time when you used the cellphone.

  Describe a car journey you went on.

  Describe a good/important decision you made recently

  Describe an activity you do to keep fit.

  Describe an experience that you taught something.

  Describe a positive decision made by other people you  know.

  Describe an occasion that you received a good service.新

  Describe sth you like to do with an old person in your  family.新

  Describe a season or a time of the year you enjoy 新

  Describe a situation you have to be polite 新

  Describe a perfect travel 新

  Describe an occasion that someone has positive comment on  your work.新

  Describe an important event to celebrate.新

  Describe a special day out/a day when you go out but didn’t spend much money 新

  Describe save money to do sth 新

  Describe a time that takes a good photo/someone who  take a good photo of you新

  Describe a vacation you wanna have 新

  Describe an occasion that visitors came to your home 新

  Describe a leisure activity you like.新


  Describe an exciting book you have read.

  Describe an advertisement you have seen recently

  Describe something you bought according to an  advertisement you saw.

  Describe something you bought that made you happy

  Describe a rule at your school that you agree or  disagree.

  Describe a traditional product in your country

  Describe an important letter you received.

  Describe TV series/ drama you like.

  Describe a piece of furniture you like.

  Favorite subject in secondary/high school新

  History period 新

  A photo you like best 新

  A special meal which impressed you 新

  Describe a piece of technology you like using (not  computer) 新

  A television program 新

  A story you heard.新

  A toy you had in your childhood.新

  A useful skill you think you should learn(not at  school) 新

  Your idea of a perfect vacation or holiday 新


  Do you like rainy days?

  Sample answer:

  Yep, rainy days agree with me.I hate to get suntanned in a hot summer  day.I enjoy the moment when the rain drops on the window, and everything  begins to blur in distance.There are rarely any drizzle days in my hometown.In the monsoon reason, it never rains but pours.I suppose rare stuff is  precious, isn't it?

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