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小編:環(huán)球教育整理 614


  開頭部分困擾大部分考生。很多考生會報怨沒有思路,不知道從哪下筆。所以用 I agree 或 I disagree…一句話引出自己立場來搞定開頭的同學不在少數(shù)。有的同學怕寫不好,甚至不敢輕易寫開頭。其實大可不必多慮,畢竟托福寫作風格以議論文為主,也就是說開頭表達好自己的立場就夠了,所以建議:背景鋪墊+個人立場


  when it comes to the topic that…, opinions of the public are of great variety. Admittedly, some people would claim that….. However, I still insist that… My reasons will be listed as follows.


  Nowadays, the influence of A on B is a matter for debate for a long time. some people claim that… However, I disagree with them. In my viewpoint, … and the following is my reasons.

  模版可以用,但不建議同學們直接拿來就套上,一是語言顯得呆板,二是托福官方對模版的態(tài)度為“不扣分,不加分”。因此想要高分的同學們,模板還是少用的好。最好的開頭,還是同學們通過自己思考得來的。今天我們一起看下常見的開頭破冰法之一:定義法引入。所謂“定義法”,就是下定義,對題目中的某些名詞或概念進行解釋,如題中所涉及的 success, responsibility, independence,social skills,part-time jobs 等,我們可以直接解釋其定義及大家對它的看法,還可以涉及到它的重要性或影響等詞,比如 importance, benefits, advantageous,exe rt positive/negative influence on,一句話帶過即可。下面我們結(jié)合具體題目帶入“定義法引入”的具體應用。

  例如:D/A: One ofthe best ways that parents can help their teenager children prepare for adult life is to encourage them to take a part-time job.

  在道題中,涉及的名詞有parents, teenager children, adult life, 和a part-time job四個名詞及詞組,也就是說這個題目我們可以從四個角度進行開頭段的構(gòu)思。不過我們應先從最好把握的入手。不難發(fā)現(xiàn),a part-time job屬于話題的關鍵詞,所以[第一步]我們可直接針對a part-timejob進行解釋,如 Part-time jobs, which act as a warm-up for the future career, can provide children with a general image of the society. 或 Part-time jobs is of great importance in helping children better understand the society they are live in.

  定義法解釋過之后,[第二步]我們要引出題中的其它對象,最后再引出自己立場。如上邊緊接著 a part-time job 這句可以寫 For most parents, it is really an ideal choice to help their children prepare for adult life.[第三步]在點明觀點時,我們要,Thus I agree with the opinion in the statement.甚至最后可以加一句,比如:my reasons will be detailed as follows. 或者my reasons are as follows.


  Part-time jobs, which act as a warm-up for the future career, can provide children with ageneral image of the society.For most parents, it is really an ideal choice to help their children prepare for adult life.Thus I agree with the opinion in the statement. My reasons will be detailed as follows.


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