




小編:環(huán)球教育整理 634

  托福君本周預測又準時來襲啦 ! 2018年5月19日托福寫作超精準預測,請速速仔細閱讀托??荚噷懽黝A測及高分范文~即將考試的童鞋們,務必認認真真地看~托福君的考試預測和真題回憶均由環(huán)球教育教研中心供稿。


  1. Some people say that students should study many lessons during a semester, but others say that it is better for students to just take three or four lessons. Which do you think is better?

  Nowadays, schools are offering students a large range of courses, from traditional literacy to recently created courses, such as foreign language studies, financial management, and risk management, to name a few. Some people believe that students should choose as many courses as they could, whereas others argue that taking three or four courses one semester is enough. To my understanding, it is more appropriate to take three or four courses a semester.

  Taking three or four courses one semester could enable students to develop their own interests and build their social network during leisure time, so that students will become more versatile and outgoing in the future. Generally speaking, it is not extremely difficult for students to complete assignments of three or four courses a semester. Therefore, most of the students could have sufficient time to participate in some beneficial activities, such as volunteering in the community, hanging out with friends, or working out at the gym, among others. Those activities, unlike study, enable students to do things that they like and to communicate with people who share the same interests with them. During this process, students will enjoy developing their own interests and build their social network, which will definitely benefit them in the future.

  Moreover, choosing three or four courses instead of too many courses per semester could help students relax and maintain a positive attitude towards life. According to a recent survey, more and more children today are suffering from depression because they are forced to study extremely hard. In order to avoid this type of mental disease, students should not spend too many efforts on academic study. In this sense, by taking three or four courses a semester, students could have time to play and relax during their leisure time, so to relieve the stress caused by academic requirements.

  Admittedly, taking many courses a semester, students might have the opportunity to learn more knowledge, including useful skills and practices that are beneficial to students’ future. However, once students become tired and feel stressful, they will become less motivated in learning, which will negatively influence their academic performance in all classes as a result.

  Based on the above discussion, it is obvious that students should not sign up too many courses a semester. Taking three or four courses is more appropriate and beneficial from the perspectives of developing students’ interests and keeping a positive mental status.

  2. If your teacher says something incorrect in a class, what will you do? 1). Interrupt your teacher right away 2). Keep silent 3). Correct your teacher after class.

  Nowadays, teachers need to complete more demanding teaching assignments and to conduct research studies in order to get promoted or earn higher salaries. Sometimes, it is possible that teachers says something incorrect in class because they are too tired to make sure that every piece of knowledge is presented as they planned before class. In this situation, if students become aware of those errors in class, it is better for them to point those errors out after class instead of interrupting the teachers right away or keeping silent.

  To begin with, if we interrupt the teachers right away, it is very likely that the teachers could not end the class on time. Before the class, most teachers need to prepare lesson plans and activities for that class, so that they could follow their teaching schedule and wrap up the course on time. Once we interrupt the teachers in class and point out the errors teachers made, new questions could be elicited. In this situation, teachers might have to answer more questions than they planned. Indeed, experienced teachers would arrange their class in a more flexible way. However, for novice teachers, it is not easy to keep the original schedule and they might fail to wrap the class on time.

  Keeping silent is not recommended either. If no one tells the teacher about the errors, students will memorize the incorrect piece of knowledge, which will definitely harm their academic performance. In East Asia, the majority of students belong to the reserved type of learners, which means that they tend to remain silent even if they are aware of the mistakes that teachers make. Moreover, it would be considered as impolite if students point our teachers’ mistakes in a straightforward way in certain cultures, such as Chinese and Japanese. In this situation, students should still let their voice be heard, but they could discuss with the teachers after class, so that they will not feel embarrassed speaking up in class.

  The best way to express our opinion and point out the teachers’ mistakes is to discuss with the teachers after class, especially in countries where speaking up loudly is not considered as appropriate. In this way, the teachers will realize their mistakes, and could correct the errors in the next class. More importantly, the teaching schedule in the class will not be influenced and the teachers could finish their lessons in time. In addition, both teachers and students will not feel offended or embarrassed.

  Based on the above discussion, compared with interrupting teachers in class or keeping silent, it is more appropriate to save our questions and discuss the questions with teachers after class.

  3. Some people say that we should use clean energy to protect the environment, but others say that we should use traditional energy sources such as coal and oil because they are less expensive. What is your opinion?

  Nowadays, many countries in the world are facing serious problems of pollution. It has been advocated by experts that the governmentsshould encourage the use of clean energy to protect the environment. However,some large-scale industries refuse to do so, because clean energy sources aretoo expensive. As far as I am concerned, it is better to explore and use cleanenergy though it might cost lots of money for now.

  To start with, using traditional energy has alreadycaused air pollution and water pollution in the past, such as the haze and oilspill, which are harmful to our living environment as well as the habitats ofocean creatures. Before it is too late, we should try to avoid more pollutionproblems and explore clean energy. Besides, the amount of existing traditional energy sources are verylimited. Even if we continue using them, someday we will run out of coal andoil. Sooner or later the exploration and application of clean energy will become necessary for human beings.

  Admittedly, to explore and use clean energy will cost alarge amount of money. For example, teams of professionals should be formed;new research centers need to be built; hundred times of research studies needto be conducted. All those efforts and investments are of course not for free.The scientists and experts will not work without being paid, and the newequipment as well as facilities in research centers must be expensive. However,compared with solving environmental problems in the future, it is much cheaperto start using clean energy from now on. In the history, there are numerous examples that people suffered from natural disasters because of overexploitation. Even for now, people in big cities have to bear the haze, or PM2.5, which is caused by cars’ gas emission. It is not exaggerated to say thatthe majority of environmental issues are originated from human exploitation. Ifwe use clean energy, which might costs lots of money though, we could save themoney to solve environmental issues in the future. More importantly, there willbe less pollution problems, and people will do not have to suffer from more disasters resulted from human activities.

  Based on the above discussion, it is better to exploreand use clean energy than traditional energy. In the future, the legislative institution should establish laws to restrict the use of traditional energy, and reward the exploration of clean energy. Further, governments and large-scale industries should follow the laws and protect the environment.



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