




小編:環(huán)球教育整理 1046



  1.Do you agree or disagree with the statement: Governments have done enough to educate the people the importance of a balanced lifestyle and healthy eating.

  Do you have a healthy lifestyle? Before answering this question, we should first identify what is the standards of a healthy lifestyle. To enjoy a healthy lifestyle, a person should practice behaviors that could lead to positive outcomes, like enough sleeping, balanced eating, proper exercising, little stress, harmonious relationship and so on. Considering these standards, however, we might say few of the public are leading a healthy lifestyle and in my opinion, this is mostly because governments have not tried their best to educate people about healthy lifestyle and balanced diet.

  Admittedly, there are some efforts made already by government spreading the importance of health. However, these are only few and rarely generate impacts on public healthy lifestyle. A common phenomenon in modern society is that due to poor awareness aroused, increasing number of people, especially in large cities, work overtime, drink excessively and stay up late. At the same time, due to limited fund from government, sports facilities in community can only meet needs of a small number of residents, thus leading to lack of physical exercise in general. As a result, more people even the young are found to be in sub-health condition. This worrying trend indicates that government needs to do more to educate people the significance of a healthy lifestyle.

  Similarly, the endeavor that government has made in educating the importance of balanced eating is far from enough, especially that in food safety supervision. This in my country is particularly evident since there are variety of food safety incidents reported in China. For example, the Sanlu Milk Powder scandal which revealed that the powder added Melamine in order to increase the protein content of the milk can perfectly show the lack of supervision of food safety. Although since then Chinese government have carried out some policies to improve food hygiene, ironically, increasing number of Chinese people nowadays prefer to pay more for oversea products but have little confidence in domestic ones. If government had done enough to improve food safety, then there would be little possibility for the trend to appear.

  To sum up, I disagree with the statement that the government has done enough in educating people the significance of healthy lifestyle and balanced eating due to the facts that more people are suffering from health problem and less confidence is shown to local food safety.

  2. Some people say that students should study many lessons during a semester, but others say that it is better for students to just take three or four lessons. Which do you think is better?

  Nowadays, schools are offering students a large range of courses, from traditional literacy to recently created courses, such as foreign language studies, financial management, and risk management, to name a few. Some people believe that students should choose as many courses as they could, whereas others argue that taking three or four courses one semester is enough. To my understanding, it is more appropriate to take three or four courses a semester.

  Taking three or four courses one semester could enable students to develop their own interests and build their social network during leisure time, so that students will become more versatile and outgoing in the future. Generally speaking, it is not extremely difficult for students to complete assignments of three or four courses a semester. Therefore, most of the students could have sufficient time to participate in some beneficial activities, such as volunteering in the community, hanging out with friends, or working out at the gym, among others. Those activities, unlike study, enable students to do things that they like and to communicate with people who share the same interests with them. During this process, students will enjoy developing their own interests and build their social network, which will definitely benefit them in the future.

  Moreover, choosing three or four courses instead of too many courses per semester could help students relax and maintain a positive attitude towards life. According to a recent survey, more and more children today are suffering from depression because they are forced to study extremely hard. In order to avoid this type of mental disease, students should not spend too many efforts on academic study. In this sense, by taking three or four courses a semester, students could have time to play and relax during their leisure time, so to relieve the stress caused by academic requirements.

  Admittedly, taking many courses a semester, students might have the opportunity to learn more knowledge, including useful skills and practices that are beneficial to students’ future. However, once students become tired and feel stressful, they will become less motivated in learning, which will negatively influence their academic performance in all classes as a result.

  Based on the above discussion, it is obvious that students should not sign up too many courses a semester. Taking three or four courses is more appropriate and beneficial from the perspectives of developing students’ interests and keeping a positive mental status.

  3.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: people should not spend a lot of time on communication by technologies, such as through social media or with text messages.

  With the development of modern technologies, people today are enjoying communicating through social media and text messages, which is convenient compared to scheduling face-to-face meetings. However, some people argue that people should not spend too much time on communication using technological devices. I totally agree with this viewpoint for the following reasons.

  To begin with, communicating through social media reduces the time people meet in real life. Convenient it might seem, in fact, this type of communication could isolate people from each other. To illustrate, while chatting through social media, we usually choose to type and send text messages, which lacks tones, intonations, and facial expressions to show our feelings. Even if we could use emoji, the emoji still fails to express our true feelings because those symbols and pictures are identical in everyone’s computer screens or cellphones. Gradually, people will not consider seriously the feelings conveyed by texts and emoji and thus the communications become less effective. For example, some people only “l(fā)ike” others’ pictures and sharing on Facebook without any comments. It is inevitable that people feel more and more isolated from each other by simply “l(fā)iking” each other’s postings online without meeting in person.

  Moreover, always sticking to our cellphones or sitting in front of computers is harmful to our physical health. For instance, many people have found themselves suffering from muscle pain because of a sedentary lifestyle. On the contrary, if people meet in person, they might hang out and take a walk while taking to each other. Though different from doing exercises in gyms, this in person meeting at least enables people to relax and even sweat a little bit.

  In addition, during spare time, people could choose to schedule a short trip, do some exercises, or simply read some books that they are interested in. The above types of activities are beneficial for our physical health, and could help broaden our horizons. In order not to become addicted to social media, it is necessary for us to limit the time we spending on our cell phones as well as the Internet.

  Based on the above discussion, people should not spend a lot of time on communication by technologies, such as through social media or with text messages. On the contrary, we could meet in person, which could help us maintain social relationship with others. Besides, we should make use of our leisure time to do some beneficial activities instead of staring at the screen of our cellphones or computers all the time.


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