




小編:長安 478



  1.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better for children to work with others as a team than to work on their own.

  Working cooperatively has lots of benefits on team members, even for children. Thus, some people believe that it is better to create opportunities for children towork with others than to work on their own. I totally agree with this statement for the following reasons.

  To begin with, children could learn how to communicate and negotiate with others through working in groups; the ability of cooperating with others is beneficial for children’s future study and work. While working in groups, children will need to persuade others and sometimes make a compromise when they hold different ideas from others. During this process, they could develop theirability of expressing ideas effectively in a convincing way. Also, they willlearn the importance of keeping an open mind and giving up their own ideas whenin need. This ability of cooperation will be beneficial for both study and workin the future.

  Moreover,through working in groups, children will not feel lonely. In my home country,since the implementation of the One Child Policy, most families could only bear one child. Many kids already feel lonely with no brothers and sisters to playwith. Working alone all the time is definitely harmful for children’s personal development. However, if they could have the opportunity to work together withothers, no matter how difficult their task is, they will feel supported bytheir peers.

  In addition, working in groups could cultivate children’s critical thinkingability. As we all know, every individual’s ideas are limited by their own vision and experience. Thus when working on one’s own, he or she might omitsome details of be confined in their own patterns of thinking. On the contrary, working in groups enables children to learn from as well as criticize eachother, and therefore to broaden their visions and stimulate critical thinking ability.

  Based on the above discussion, for children, working cooperatively with others couldbenefit them in different ways compared to working alone. Children could develop their communication skills and critical thinking ability withoutfeeling lonely.

  2.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The environmental issue is too complex to be handled by the individual.

  Environmental issues, such as global warming and air pollution, have raised people’s awareness of protecting the environment during the past decades. Some people argue that individuals are responsible for handling those issues, whereas others do not believe so. To my understanding, the environmental issues are too complicated for individuals to deal with for the following reasons.

  The first step to solve problems related to environment is to establish laws and set up rules that we could refer to. Obviously, individuals do not have the power to achieve this goal, but the governments and politicians have. The governments and politicians are definitely capable of assembling a team of professionals in the field of environment study, then discussing about issues that need to be handled, and finally drafting laws and rules of protecting the environment based on the discussion and scientific research. It could be seen that the process of establishing systematic laws and principles is extremely complicated, which is impossible for individuals to handle.

  The second step to deal with environment issues is to implement laws and principles that set up by the governments and experts. As far as I am concerned, the implementation is large-scale industries’ duty rather than individuals’. According to a recent survey, the major sources of various types of pollution are large-scale industries and factories in my home country. If those industries and factories could follow laws and policies to minimize the amount of waste and hazardous materials disposed in rivers and lands, the pollution problem could be solved to a large extent. If they refuse to do so, environmental issues could not be handled no matter how many efforts individuals spend on protecting the environment. Based on the above discussion, large-scale industries and factories should be responsible of implementing laws and policies rather than individuals.

  Admittedly, individuals should also participate in protecting our environment. For example, we could purchase recycled products, reduce the emission of CO2 by taking public transportation tools instead of private cars, and volunteer in eco-friendly organizations, to name a few. However, those efforts could help solve a small portion of environment problems, compared with complex tasks that need to be completed by the governments and large-scale industries.

  To sum up, handling environmental issue needs the cooperation of our government and large-scale industries. Though individuals should take part in protecting the environment, they should not be assigned with all complicated tasks.

  3.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: some people think that the most important quality in choosing the leader of a school organization or club is honesty.

  In today’s schools and universities, student organizations are playing more and more important role in students’ campus life. When choosing a leader in student organization, some people believe that the most important quality is honesty. However, the most important quality for a student leader, I believe, is toprovide his or her team members with opportunities to express their opinions.If necessary, a leader should change his or her opinions as well.

  Admittedly, being honest could benefit student organizations’ work because the team members tend to trust the leader, which could result in a strong leadership and smooth teamwork. However, compared to honesty, a leader’s willingness to acceptothers’ opinions and to change when they make wrong decisions are much more important for the following reasons.

  First of all, a student leader’s primary task is to stimulate and motivate his or herpeer to come up with creative ideas, which benefit teamwork to a large extent.In student organizations, most tasks require teamwork where everyone in theteam needs to contribute. The role of a leader is to stimulate all his or her team members to express their opinions rather than to become a dictator who make every decision on his or her own. In order to motivate the team members, aleader should not only create an atmosphere that everyone could feel free tospeak up but also respect the thoughts of his or her peers.

  Moreover, it happens that sometimes the leader’s decision could be wrong and will exert negative influence on the team’s work. As everyone knows, no one is perfect and people do make mistakes. If a leader hold strong opinions that might result insetbacks, and he or she refuses to change, the whole team’s project will beaffected by his or her dictation. As a result, the team members will become reluctant to contribute to the team and might even quit the current job for abetter one. On the contrary, if the leader is humble enough to change their opinions and listen to others’ suggestions, the team could avoid future loss.

  As I have read from an article published online, “decision making is when the leader gives up ownership and control of a decision and allows the group to vote”.This is not only true in business and politics but also in student organizations.A student leader should encourage his or her colleagues to actively participatein the decision-making process, and should change their opinions when it is necessary, which are more important than being honest.



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