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來源: 托福君TOEFL

小編:環(huán)球教育整理 2493


  1、(2018.1.6上午場) Task 1: What do you think is the biggest challenge that people are not able to save money? How to solve the problem?


  點(diǎn)評:問得好~ 托福君也是一個poor guy,月末也要滾去吃土,所以對這個問題深有同感。那到底為啥存不下錢呢?因為花錢時開森呀,想花就大筆一刷,哪管卡里的錢直線下降,等月底時一看卡內(nèi)余額,沒啦沒啦沒啦!所以,托福君打算痛改前非,開始存錢。想來想去,最好的辦法就是發(fā)了工資先存一半啊,剩下的一半算每月支出,愛怎么花就怎么花咯。

  示范: Well, in my opinion, the biggest challenge that people are unable to save money is that they often spend money without plans. In other words, they tend to buy useless things on a whim.

  For example, my sister loves to go out on weekends, and she will buy a lot of unpractical things merely because she is fond of them at that moment, but later she may leave them in a corner collecting dust.

  As for how to solve the problem, I think the best way is to save a specific amount of money in your bank account every month when you get your salary, say if you earn 5000 per month, you can save 2000 or so, and the left can be at your disposal. (125詞)

  2、Task 2 : What do you think of home teaching? Home teaching is a teaching method that hires a private teacher and teaches students at home.

  問: 你怎么看待home teaching?Home teaching是指雇用一個私人教師讓學(xué)生在家里接受教育。


  示范:Well, let’s face it, good teachers are all in public schools and I do not see any proper reasons to send children to home teaching. We all know that children are at their best years to learn things, for they have good memories and they have curiosity to learn. If we send them to home teaching which may be of bad quality or not as good as public schools, it will be a shame and it could have a negative impact on our children’s whole life.

  Besides, public education is free for children, whereas home teaching can be very expensive. If I were to choose, I would save the money for other uses, say extracurricular activities that my children are interested in.(126詞)

  3、(2018.1.6下午場)Task 1: Which of the following one do you think is the best way to motivate employees in the company to do better?

  --extra money as a reward

  --organize a kind of contest to select who is the best one

  --to praise staff on the website

  問:公司激勵員工的最好方法是什么?1、發(fā)獎金 2、競爭最佳員工 3、在公司網(wǎng)站上公開表揚(yáng)員工

  點(diǎn)評:這還用問嗎?托福君啥都不缺,就缺money!作為一名光榮的北漂,托福君要付房租啊,坐地鐵啊,吃飯啊,買衣服啊,這些統(tǒng)統(tǒng)都是錢啊!開銷這么大,如果在公司好好表現(xiàn)可以得到獎勵的話,就希望老板賞點(diǎn)錢啊,hia hia hia!

  示范:Well, if i were to choose, i’d say extra money as a reward, for this is the most practical way to motivate employees. Let’s be honest, we all have to work to pay the rent, especially when a newly graduated college student strives to take hold in a large city.

  Take my cousin for example, after graduation, he went to Shanghai to work in a famous company which he always wanted to enter into, but he didn’t earn much and the salary was not enough to cover his expenses and he had to ask for money from his parents. However, if he could get extra money by working hard, i think he would definitely try it. (122詞)

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