




小編:Hosea 1021


  Part 1考題總結(jié)

  Your Work

  1.What work do you do?

  2.Why did you choose to do that  type of work (or that job)?

  3.Do you like your job?

  4.Is it very interesting?

  5.(Possibly) Do you miss being a  student?

  Your Studies/ study efficiency

  1.What subject(s) are you studying?

  2.Why did you choose to study that  subject?

  3.Do you like your subject? (Why? /  Why not?)

  4.Is it very interesting?

  5.Do you prefer to study in the  mornings or in the afternoons?


  1.What’s (the name of) your  hometown?

  2.Is that a big city or a small  place?

  3.How long have you been living  there?

  4.Do you like your hometown?

  5.What do you like (most) about  your hometown?


  1.Do you live in a house or a flat?

  2.Do you prefer living in a house  or a flat?

  3.Do you plan to live there for a  long time?

  4.What's the difference between  where you are living now and in the past?

  5.Can you describe the place where  you live?

  Daily routine

  1.What are you usually doing at  this time? Do you do the same thing(s) every day?

  2.What do you usually do after you  get up (or, in the morning)?

  3.What part of the day do you like  best? (Why?)

  4.What part of your daily routine  makes you the happiest?

  5.What part of the day are you most  efficient?)


  1.Do you do housework at home?

  2.What kinds of housework do you  often do?

  3.Did you do housework when you  were a child?

  4.Do you think that children should  do housework?


  1.Which relative did you most often  see when you were a child?

  2.Who do you think is the most  important member in your family?

  3.Who do you like to go shopping  with?

  4.Who would you like to have dinner  with when you have free time?


  1.Do you have a lot of friends?

  2.What do you and your best friends  usually do together?

  3.Do you prefer to have several  good friends or many regular friends?

  4.Would you like to have more  friends?

  5.Do you think friendship is  important?

  Teenagers  (New)

  1.Do you like to spend time with  teenagers?Why and why not?

  2.Do you know anything about the  kind of fashion that teenagers like?

  3.What are the best things of being  a teenager in your country?

  4.How do teenagers entertain  themselves?


  1.Do you know your neighbors?

  2.Do you like your neighbors?

  3.What do you think of your  neighbors?

  4.How often do you see (or talk to)  your neighbors?

  5.When do you meet your neighbors?


  1.Do you like any teacher of yours?

  2.Do you still keep in touch with  your teachers?

  3.Do you think it’s important to  like your teachers?

  4.Do you want to be a teacher?

  5.What qualities should a good  teacher have?

  Pop star

  1.Do you like pop music?

  2.Who is your favorite pop singer?

  3.Have you been to any live  concert?

  4.Normally, how to you listen to  his/ her songs?

  5.Do you want to be a pop singer?  Why?

  Fruits and vegetables

  1.Do you like to eat fruit(s) and  vegetables?

  2.What kind of fruit do you like?

  3.What’s your favorite fruit?

  4.Do you think people should eat  more fruits and vegetables?

  5.What are the benefits for  children from eating fruits and vegetables?

  6.How much fruit and vegetables do  you think a person needs to stay healthy?


  1.Do you have any jewelry?

  2.Are you interested in having any  jewelry? /What’s your attitude toward jewelry?

  3.What kinds of jewelry would you  like to have?

  4.How often do you wear jewelry?

  5.How often do people in your  country wear jewelry?


  1.Do you often look at yourself in  the mirror?

  2.When do you usually look in a  mirror?

  3.Did you buy many mirrors?

  4.Do you think mirrors are  necessary ornaments?

  5.What do you think of using  mirrors to decorate rooms?

  Meals  (New)

  1.What food do people where you  live usually eat?

  2.Which meal of the day do you  think is the most important?

  3.What do you usually eat for lunch(breakfast,evening  meal)?

  4.Do you prefer to eat three full  meals a day or do you prefer to eat many snacks throughout the day?

  5.Do you think it is better to eat  one big meal aday or is it better to eat several smaller meals each day?

  Computer  (New)

  1.Do you use computers very much?

  2.When do you use a computer?

  3.What do you use computers for?

  4.What part do computers play in  your life?

  5.How often do you use a computer?

  Internet  (New)

  1.Do you use the internet (very  much)?

  2.How often do you use the  internet?

  3.How (or, where) do you go onto  the internet?

  4.Have you ever bought anything on  the internet?

  Boats  (New)

  1.Do you often travel by boat?

  2.Have you ever been on a boat tour  while you were on holidays?

  3.Would you like to have a holiday  on a boat?

  4.Where in your country do people  most often use boats or, travel by boat?

  Rainy days  (New)

  1.Do you like rainy days?

  2.Do you prefer rainy days or sunny  days?

  3.What do you do on rainy days?


  1.Do you like travelling by bus?

  2.How often do you take buses?

  3.Do you prefer taking buses or  subway?

  Newspaper and magazine

  1.Doyou often read newspapers?

  2.Doyou prefer to read local news  or international news?

  3.Doyou like reading newspapers or  magazines?

  4.Doyou think newspaper will  disappear in the future?

  Sunny days

  1.Doyou like sunny days?

  2.How do you feel when you are in  the sunshine?

  3.Do you prefer to live in a place  with more sunshine or less?

  Emails and Letters

  1.Doyou prefer to write letters by hand or to use a computer?

  2.Whichdo you more often write, emails or letters?

  3.Howoften do you write an email or a letter?

  News  (New)

  1.Do you like to keep up with the  latestnews?

  2.Why do you want to know the  latest news?

  3.How important is it to you to get  the newsevery day?

  Punctuality (New)

  1.Do you think it's important to be  on time?

  2.In your country is it important  to be ontime?

  3.How do you feel when others are  late?

  4.Are you, yourself, late very  often?

  Names (New)

  1.Do you like your name?

  2.Does your name have any  particular meaning?

  3.Who gave you your name?


  1.Are there many advertisements in  your country?

  2.How do you feel about  advertisements?

  3.Do you think advertisements  should be amusing or serious?


  1.How do children celebrate  birthdays in your country?

  2.How did you celebrate your last  birthday?

  3.What kinds of birthday gifts do  you like to receive?

  4.Do people in China celebrate  birthdays?


  1.Do you like to learn about  history?

  2.What historical events do you  find most interesting?

  3.Do you like to watch programs on  TV about history?

  4.Do you think you can really learn  history from films or TV programs?


  1.Do you think the politeness is  important? Why?

  2.How do people show politeness in  your country?

  3.Who taught you to be polite?

  4.Do you think people in your  country are politer than in the past?

  5.Do you think you are a polite  person?

  Time management

  1.How do you manage (or, organize,  or plan)your time?

  2.Would you say you manage your  time well?

  3.Do you find it hard to manage  your time?

  4.How do you think you could better  manage your time?

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